U.O.E Part 13

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Mitsuki had told Izuku about the number one villain. How he went on a rampage, and that's how he got his spot as the number one villain. How he has over fifty followers that the press and pro hero's know about. And no one knows who he is because he wears a mask.

"That's good to know Aunt Bakugou. Thank you for telling me."

"Of course izuku. But, your not planning on trying to find him are you?"


"...look. I know your quirk is one of the best. You would probably be the top hero if you stayed here. But, ground zero has hurt, a lot of people. He is dangerous. I would highly suggest you stay away from this. Stay away from the hero job. Don't become a hero. Please, izuku?"

Izuku sighed.

"It's still been my dream. Besides, becoming a hero is for someone. I'm doing it for them. So, I'm going to leave tonight and go somewhere. I promise, I will be back."

Mitsuki wore a worried face. She didn't want to lose izuku to.

"Okay. Just as long as you come back.."

She smiled. He nodded.

"So, you have an hour or two right? Want some katsudon."


Two hours later, izuku headed out. It was cold. He wore a light jacket and jeans. That wasn't too unusual for him anymore.

As he walked down the road, it was quiet. And peaceful. He passed a bench that he sat at once, waiting forever for a bus, but missed it because he was asleep. He snickered at his ditzy ways. But when he got to his destination, he frowned. His house was still there. Just remains of a burnt house. He wondered why they haven't taken it down. There was no use to have it here. He inched inside careful of anything dangerous. He saw his living room, and his mom's sewing kit. He was surprised no one had came ravaging through here with graffiti or trying to find something useful. It was clear of any signs of that which was quite odd. He headed upstairs to his room, but he heard creaking.

If someone is here, there intentions won't be good. So I have to be careful. I can't really use one for all on an unstable place like this so I have no way of defense.

He didn't realize he was mumbling aloud until he heard creaking again. He gulped and moved forward. Surely the person wouldn't be that much harm.. right?

I really want to yell hello like those horror movies but that would be stupid. It could be a kid! Or a homeless man. It doesn't have to be a bad person.

He took another step and made the floor creak quite loudly.


He whispered yelled. He opened his door to his room and didn't care if he made any noise because whoever was there obviously knew he was there. But what he saw shocked him.

"Heh. I figured you'd forget your promise, Deku."

He gasped at the sight of katsuki. A mask that was torn and bloodied. Hair stained with red. A costume damaged to the point of not being able to be repaired.

"Y-you.. you came.. and you really did.. become a v-villain.."

Bakugou stood up and looked at Izuku.

"Of course I did. That's what I am Deku. A villain. It is what I was meant to be."

Izuku felt a silent tear fall from his cheek.

"I missed you kacchan. I don't care if you're a villain."

He stepped closer to Bakugou, but he flinched and Izuku stepped back.

"Don't. I can't trust anyone anymore. Not even you."

Izuku nodded.

"I understand.. I'm glad you came though. I was really curious to know if you were really ground zero... when I heard you were missing, that sucked. Aunt Bakugou is worried to. Why haven't you-"

"Why haven't I what! Gone to see her? She would turn me in faster then all might!"

"How do you know I won't?"

Bakugou looked at Izuku has if he had just punched him in the face.

"I don't. But, Deku. Your afraid of me."

Izuku took a step closer and didn't move back.

"No. I was afraid of the boy who tortured me. The one who told me to go kill myself. The one who hurt me. But I fell in love with the boy who saved me, helped me, made sure I wouldn't try anything and didn't care what people thought. You have no idea how much I miss having you in my bed. In my arms! Or the touch of lips on me! Kacchan I missed you!! I am not scared of you!! Because I know you would never hurt me again. Right? You made that promise. Don't you keep promises?"

Bakugou looked at Izuku as if just seeing him for the first time.

"That boy you loved his gone."

He said with a raspy voice. He walked past Izuku but Izuku turned around and grabbed his hand.

"Let go of me dek-"

"No. There is only one reason I came back! I loved my life in the states!! But I came back for you!!"

"Then go back!!"

"God damn it what was the point in saving me if you give me this feeling again!!!!!"

Izuku gasped for air. He fell to his knees and just cried. Bakugou turned around and got down on his knees and hugged Izuku.

"I was the one that made you that way... I thought if you stayed away from me..."

"That I would be happy? No. I'm broken."

The boys words made Bakugou hug him tightly. Bakugou didn't ever want to let go. Never again.

Hello people I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to look at my other story, torturement of reality. I'll still continue this because it's not finished. But I'm almost finished with it. Anyway, that's all. Have a good day!

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