U.O.E Part 14

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They sat there in silence for a while in the burnt home. Izuku stopped crying after a while, and his face had traces of dried tears.

"So.. do you just hang out here if your not doing villainy things."

Bakugou scoffed.

"It's not "villainy things" it's my job. And as surprising as it may sound, it's fun. I mean, I don't kill innocent people or anything. I just.... Keep people hostage and blow stuff up and now I'm the number one villain. I'm only causing destruction. And I would have done that if I was a hero to. The only thing that's different is the people hostage part. But I don't tie them up and throw them in basements, I bring them here. And tell them about the story of this house. And you. Then I give them katsudon. They don't really try to leave but if they do leave, I ask them to please not tell where I have been, and so far, it's been pretty good."

"So.... That's all you do? You have never harmed anyone besides in middle school?"

"Heh no. I have accidentally hurt people when exploding buildings. I try my best to help before hero's come... sometimes they piss me off. Like they'll scream and stuff and won't shut up until I untie them."

Izuku smiled.

"So your really not a villain are you."

Bakugou stroked izuku's hair.

"I don't know. But anyway, you should leave. It's getting late and mitsuki might get worried. And please... don't tell her you saw me."

Izuku stood up.

"I won't. Be careful."

He nodded and stood up with Izuku. He walked him to the exit of the runned down building and smiled.

"If you need me... I'll be here."

Izuku held back tears.

"I wish I didn't have to leave you. It's been two years and I wish I could make up for those two years."

"I know. I know. But it's okay. You can come to see me sometimes. But not to much. Or people might get suspicious."

He said playfully.

"Yeah that's not happening. I'll see you tomorrow."



Izuku hugged Bakugou before leaving. He didn't want Bakugou to see his tears, so he didn't look back. Why did he have to leave him.. when he just got to see him.

It's almost finished I'm happy about that. Ok, goodbye and don't forget to vote. Have a good day!

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