U.O.E Part 6

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Ink had called them down. Deku groaned in disappointment and bakugou smirked.

"You love it so much you would rather kiss me then eat?"


Deku blushed and looked away, and bakugou took his chin and made him look at him. Then he kissed his lips lightly and opened the door to follow the mothers yelling.


"Did you want more?"


When inko heard this she couldn't help but smile. Deku followed downstairs and sat at the table to eat. Bakugou sat next to him.

"I made breakfast and I am expecting you to eat it all. Or else I won't give you your letters from U.A."

A smile appeared on inkos and bakugou's face.

"Katsuki, your mother dropped off yours."

She handed him the letter. Deku's stomach turned in knots and he was so scared. Bakugou glanced at him.

"Deku? Open your letter."

He demands as he hands the letter to the scared boy.

"U-um how about you open yours first."

He puts a smile on and puts his letter down.


Bakugou suggests. Deku didn't want to. What if he didn't make it? And he wasn't good enough for bakugou? What would happen then... a tear shed from deku's face as he picks up his letter and nods.

"O-okay. Together.."

"Alright. 3"

Deku shut his eyes.


Bakugou took a deep breath before putting his hand on the opening of the envelope.


Bakugou ripped his envelope in half while deku calmly and slowly opened it from the top. Bakugou read the letter and his face went from excited to a very calm look.

"I got in..."

Deku hugged bakugou.

"Congratulations kacchan!!!"

Inko clapped and smiled.

"Read yours deku."


Inko asked. Izuku laughed.

"It's a nickname haha."

Bakugou nudged him with his arm to remind him to read his letter. Izuku gulped. He started reading.

"Midoriya izuku. We are glad to inform you, that you have been accepted into U.A High school."

Izuku couldn't read farther. His brain filled with questions and his eyes swelled with happy tears. Inko and bakugou had no clue that he was crying because he got in.


Katsuki asked. Izuku covered his mouth and started crying even more.

"I can. I can be a hero."

He laughed and hugged bakugou.

"I got in kacchan. I'm not useless. I finally proved society wrong."

"And me."

Bakugou hugged him tightly and inko joined.

"I am so happy for you boys."

Inko wanted to say something that might ruin the boys mood, but she decided to wait. She didn't want for the two future hero's to worry about anything in that happy moment.

The end of season 1.

You have no idea how much I want bakudeku to be Canon. It is very sad it won't be -_-. Anyway, this is the season finale, so yee, also don't forget to vote. See ya!

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