Chapter 5

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She watched as he opened the door, gesturing for her to exit and explore the rest of the apartment. She struggled getting off of the bed, weak from lack of food and water. He walked over to her, letting her grab his shoulder for support.

She couldn't help but smile as she walked into the hallway, knowing she wouldn't be punished for such a simple action. Helmut would have had to secure the whole apartment so she couldn't escape, but it was a start; she finally got some sort of freedom.

She roamed around the rooms, scanning the contents. There was a living room with a TV, many DVDs, records, books, and other things one could occupy themselves with for hours. There was a kitchen with a cabinet and fridge stocked full of food, the bathroom which she had already seen, a laundry room with a washer and dryer,  and one more room.

The extra room had a dresser, bed, and nightstand. It looked to be the place that Helmut had been sleeping for however long. Once she had finished looking, she turned around to face Helmut, seeing him leaning casually against the wall with his arms crossed, watching her.

Ignoring the food Helmut had given her in the other room, she strolled over to look in the kitchen. She didn't know how long it had been since she had eaten or drank water, but she was starving.

On her tip toes, she searched the cabinets and the fridge, looking for some nourishment. After a few minutes of searching, she decided to cut up some fruit and mix some yogurt and granola with it.

Grabbing a glass of water and her bowl of food, she moved over to the living room, making herself feel at home. Who knows how long she would be there?

Helmut sat down in the sofa across from her, finding it amusing how quickly she had made herself feel comfortable.

She nearly moaned from pleasure as she took the first bite, missing what it felt like to eat. He watched her with a smirk on his face, receiving enjoyment from her enjoyment. She ate quickly, shoveling spoonfuls into her mouth. After licking the bowl, she chugged the full glass of water, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand when she finished.

She stood up, grabbing the dish and the glass, moving over to the sink. Helmut watched as she took the dishes and placed them into the dishwasher. She moved back to the spot she sat in before, settling in once again.

She cleared her throat before asking, her eyes narrowed,

"How old are you?"

"38." He replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm 20." She said biting her lip. She found it strange and a bit creepy that a man 18 years older than her would put her in the situations he had put her through. To be fair, Bucky was almost a hundred years old and he was in love with her. Her father definitely did not support their relationship because of the age difference, but she would bet a million dollars he would rather have her date Bucky than the man sitting in front of her.

To be honest, (Y/n) wasn't sure her father would support any relationship she would be in. He always saw her as his little girl. He would never find anyone good enough to have the privilege of dating her.

Helmut kept his eyes on her, watching as she spent time thinking. She took a deep breath before asking,

"What time is it?"

Helmut glanced at his watch before replying,

"It's 10:45 at night."

She nodded her head at the answer. (Y/n) hadn't realized how tired she was until now. He watched as she let out a yawn, covering her mouth with her hand.  Helmut, tired as well, ran his hand over the scruff that had grown on his face, extending a hand out to her as he stood up.

"I have a toothbrush and toothpaste in the bathroom for you."

She accepted his help, using his hand as support getting off of the couch. She shuffled over to the bathroom, locating the toothpaste and toothbrush.

Helmut leaned against the door frame of the bathroom, watching as she brushed her teeth. When she finished, he grabbed her hand again, leading her to the room where she had initially kept her.

She planted her feet in the ground, pulling on his arm as he tried to get her in the room.

"No. Please. I don't wanna go back in there." She pleaded, her eyes starting to water, her voice thick with emotion.

He let go of her hand, holding her face in his hands to look her in the eyes. He gazed down into her eyes, trying to read her emotions.

He placed a hand on her back, rubbing it up and down before nodding and quietly saying,


She let out a deep sigh of relief. She never planned on going back into that room. She would avoid it at all costs. Helmut paused for a moment, deep in thought.

She interrupted his train of thought by quietly saying,

"I'll sleep on the couch."


(Y/n) went to bed that night thinking about her father. She wished he would find her now more than ever. She felt so guilty for leaving in the first place; she couldn't imagine the amount of stress and worry she had caused him and the rest of the family.

She couldn't help but start crying as she thought of him, alone, thinking of all the horrible things that could happen to her. This is one of the situations that terrified him.

Bucky must be taking it hard as well, not knowing where she was or if she was safe. Her heart ached to see him again. She would give anything to hold his hand again or embrace him in a warm hug.

She missed everything about her old life. The smells, the sounds, the emotions, whether they were good or bad. The thought of never being able to see her family again made her feel as if her heart was shattering into a million pieces.

She was terrified. She was in a strange place with an unfamiliar man, unfamiliar smells, sounds and feelings. She had never been so terrified in her life. What if she could never go home? What if she could never see her family again?

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