chapter ten _ trouble?

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I went to the hospital to visit Jug . He was sleeping and Cyrus was lying on a couch and as soon as I walked in the room he woke up. I told him to go home and get rest but he refused that . He left the room because I wanted to be alone with my son. I looked at his face and all I could see was peace just like always. He tried to look calm even when he wasn't and I think that was the main reason he committed suicide ;he used to smile and we could never understand his feelings .
I hadn't smiled since that day, I knew it was all my fault and I knew there was no way to fix it .I was supposed to be the responsible parent and I messed up; I really did and Gladys was going to blame me for it.
As soon as Jughead woke up he called me. I got closer to say Hi and he said "Hey dad, sorry I think I just had a nightmare "
"It's ok Jug, we all have bad dreams "
"Not like the ones I have. I think it's time dad "
"What do you mean Jug?"
"I think the angel of death is here for me and everything makes sense. I mean I'm getting weak and weaker. I'm just scared dad "
"You're not dying son, not now not ever. So now if you're ready I want to tell you something but I really don't know if I should tell you or not "
"Wait, it's not about Betty. Is it?" He said in a scared tone
"Don't worry Jug she's fine. What I want to say is about your mother. She __ she's coming here "
"Well, Riverdale is her hometown. She can come whenever she wants and it's out of our business "
"I know you understood me Jug. She's coming for you. Actually I didn't want to tell her but JB told me to do that "
He didn't say anything for two minutes and after that he said "Dad, did you really forget what she did? She left us for no reason and a mother who leaves her children is not a mother anymore. It's okay if she's coming to Riverdale but  if she's coming for me, tell her that I don't wanna see her "
"Ok son,I'll tell her; just calm down "
"Dad, would you please call Cyrus? I'm in pain " I called Cyrus as soon as he asked me. He came to the room and asked Jughead about his pain. "Listen Jug can you tell me where do feel the pain and how bad it is?" He asked
"I_ I think it's in my chest and maybe my spine "
"It's ok Jug. I'm going to call your doctor but till he comes try to take deep breaths, I'll be back in a few minutes "

He was trying hard to breathe but he couldn't. He was tearing up saying "I don't wanna die ".
"You're not going to die. You have a lot to do in this world. Did you just forget about your journey with Betty? She's so excited for it ". I thought he was listening but when I looked at his face, his eyes were closed. A few seconds later doctor Smith rushed to the room and sent me out. I was walking in the hallway when he came out of Jughead's room. He wanted to talk about something important so, we went to his office and he sat in front of me; again.
"Mr.jones, I don't know what do you want to do but whatever you are doing now, is not saving your son but it's killing him. I told you not to tell him anything that makes him angry or sad. Do you know how much medicine I gave him to reduce his pain? And in case you didn't know, these painkillers are not good for his health. " doctor Smith said
" I _ I'm so sorry. I just told him something he had to know. Believe me doc I love him more than everything in this world and it really breaks my heart when I see him in pain. I  don't wanna lose him doc. Please help him "
" I will mr. Jones. Your son can live for years if you help him. You know, human's body is so connected to it's emotions and feelings. When your soul gets sick, the same happens to your body and that's why he's getting worse and worse. I know it's hard for him to live like this but you have to prove him life is more than his hospital bed. Making him feel better is your duty mr. Jones ."

I stood up and left his office. I went to the waiting room and sat on the floor, after that Cyrus came to sit next to me. While I was slowly crying he said "Don't worry, he's fine."
"Can I ask you something Cyrus?"
"Of course "
"How can I make a better world for Jug?"
"I don't know ;why?"
"I want him feel better about his life. He's doctor said the first step of healing his body is healing his damaged soul; that's the only way he can live for years"
"I think it's something you should ask his therapist "
"Oh come on Cyrus, you know they both hate each others. By the way you're his friend"
"Why don't you ask Betty? She's a friend too "
"Well that's plan B . Anyway, when is he coming home?"
"Tomorrow, in case nothing else happens "
"Great, then we can talk about it tomorrow. It's late;JB is still home, I shouldn't leave her alone. Call me if anything happened ok?"
"Don't worry Mr.jones, I'll take care of him."

After that I went home to spend the rest of night with my daughter. I knew I had already lost my son and that's why I didn't want to lose my daughter too. I wish I could care more about him to see how damaged he was. I wish I hadn't spent all those years to forget my pain and enhance his instead. I just wish I could be a real dad but I wasn't.

Jughead's POV
It was Friday and I was getting released from the hospital. In the morning dad came to help Cyrus pack my stuff and then Betty and Archie came. We were waiting for doctor Smith to come for the last checkup and around 1 PM I was finally home. My dad sent Archie and Veronica to go and get some food, in that case he could talk to me, Betty and Cy . He took a seat on the couch next to me and said "guys, I wanted to talk about something important "
"Oh am I going to die?" I asked
"Shut up Jug, your dad is talking" Betty said
"Thank you Betty. By the way, I heard you asked Betty to take you somewhere. Right?"
" I think I did "
"And that's Ok Jug. I just want to know more about your plan. For example where are you going and when?"
"Actually, we haven't planned for it yet but as soon as my parents accept, I'll tell you. I also should say the destination is Jughead's choice not mine " Betty said
"Pretty good. I really appreciate what you're doing for Jug. So now it's time to ask Cyrus; yesterday I talked to Betty and she said Jughead has a request and he wants to travel somewhere with you and Betty. So, I will really appreciate it if you join them but if you don't want to be with them it's ok we can find someone else,and don't worry about the money, I'm going to pay for everything you guys need. Now what do you think?"
I really wanted him to be with us because he always makes me feel better . Finally he opened his mouth and said " when it's about Jug, I can refuse nothing "
"Is it a yes " he nodded
After a few minutes Veronica and Archie came back with food. They had lunch and we watched TV for a while ,then everyone except Cyrus _ left home.
We were sitting in the living room; I was reading an ebook and Cyrus was helping me with my laptop.
Suddenly the bell rang "I think your dad forgot his keys;I'll go open the door" Cy said
"Or maybe it's not dad. It can Archie or Betty "
"Ok it doesn't matter, I'll go open the door and I'll be back soon "
He went to open the door and after two minutes he was back "I guess you a guest Jug " he said
"What? Who?" then I heard someone said "oh my poor Jug ,look you have done "
I wasn't able to move my head but her voice was familiar enough that I didn't need to see her.That was Gladys Jones; she  was back.

I'm sorry for the delay. Please vote for the story if you really like it

things I didnt have time to tell youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora