chapter sixteen _ I don't wanna see you anymore

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Betty's POV
We had a lot of fun during our vacation. It was our last days in Cancun and we were going to Mexico city in two days.
That day Jughead wasn't feeling well and he nodded to stay in hotel for a day so, Cyrus and I decided to stay with him in shifts. It was dinner time and I was sitting in Jughead's room waiting for Cyrus to bring food.
He had been sleeping the whole day with his oxygen mask on . Finally he opened his eyes and called me. I rushed to him and took off his mask.
"Thank you Betty " he said
"Are you feeling better?"
"I feel much better now "
"Do you want me to call Cyrus? "
"No; would you please take a seat Betty? We need to talk "
I sat on the bed next to him. He coughed for a while and then he said "Betty, we both know what happened the day we broke up. We both know that my life ruined that day and I know there's no way to fix me; but what if we end up all the pain and suffer?"
"I _ I don't get you Jug. What are you talking about?"

"Betty, I didn't attempt suicide because of our breakup . I did it because I was in pain and I wanted to feel numb. I messed up and everything got worse but why don't we give it another chance? Why don't we try it again? "

"Jughead I think there's something wrong with you. I'm going to call Cyrus"
"Don't call him Betty. I want you to end up my suffering. It's the best time for an extra dosage of painkillers " he said crying

"How could you do this to me Jug? I loved you so much and losing you has been always my biggest fear . You know what? I think you don't need me anymore. Goodbye Jughead Jones "
"Hey Betts! If you leave, I will never forgive you " but it was too late; she was gone.
I was alone. The love of my life left me and I didn't have any reason to live. I spent the whole night alone and the next day when I woke up I saw Cyrus sitting on a chair next to me. As soon as I opened my eyes he said "oh thank God you're ok . I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when Betty almost forgot to take care of you "
"Betty? Where's Betty?"
"I don't know. She doesn't answer my phone calls "
"Cy, will you go to her room to see if she's okay?"
"Did anything happen that I don't know?"
"Cy,please. I'll tell you everything later "
He left the room and he came back after a quarter .
"She checked out this morning" he said
"Pack your stuff Cy, we should go to the airport. She might be there "
"I will do nothing unless you tell me the truth "
"I messed up Cy, that's it. I asked her to kill me "
He didn't say anything but he started packing. It took him an hour to pack and after that we checked out and went to the airport. At the airport we asked employees about the last flight to Riverdale; it was two hours ago and Betty Cooper  was one of the passengers. We bought two flight tickets to Riverdale and we had to stay in the airport for five hours.
Cyrus called my dad to say we were coming back because I got sick. When he hung up the phone, he came to sit next to me. He put his hand on my shoulder like a friend.
"Why would you do that Jug?" He asked
"I was tired. I'm tired of being sick all the time. I just wanted this to be ended"
"But why did you ask Betty?"
"I think I asked you too but you rejected me "
"Jughead you broke her heart "
"I know Cyrus and I'm sorry . Now I just want to see if she's okay "

We arrived to Riverdale and my parents were in the airport waiting for us. They were really worried because of what Cyrus said but I told them I was fine. After a few minutes of talking, JB came to me. She hugged me and said how she missed me. Suddenly she gave me a strange look.
"Jughead where's Betty? "She asked and as soon as my parents heard what she said, they started asking too. Hopefully my saving angel was there to save me .
"Don't worry mr. Jones. We couldn't find tickets for a flight, she will be coming with the next flight " Cyrus said
"Should we stay here waiting for her?" Dad asked
"No,she was so tired and she said she'll go home as soon as she arrives "

We went home and I came back to my old room. I was done with my life and I didn't have any choice except believing

I hope you enjoy the story. More drama is coming soon. I'll post the next part soon

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