chapter thirteen _ planning a trip

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Betty's POV
I woke up the next day, took a shower, got dressed and left home to see FP. I went to the Jones' and when I knocked the door, a woman opened it for me; she was the one that Archie was talking about .

"Oh Hi. You must be Betty; am I right?" She asked
"Sorry but how do you know my name?" I asked
"Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself; I'm Gladys Jones, Jughead's mother. Come in sweetie "

I got in and went to their living room to see Jug but he wasn't there.
"Excuse me mrs. Jones, is Jughead home?"
"No he's not. He had an appointment but he'll be home soon. Take a seat Betty I wanna know more about you"

I sat on Jug's couch and she brought me a cup of coffee.
"So, tell me Betty, how long have you two been together?"
"It's been a year I think "
"Wow that's a long time. You have no idea how much he likes you "
" I love him too but you know, he's so nice and I don't even think that I deserve him "

"Why would you think like that honey? You really care about him and of course you deserve him " then she had a sip of her coffee and continued "Betty, do you know what happened that night? When Jughead...."

"No.I know nothing about that. Actually the last time I saw him was at school. We talked together and after that he disappeared for weeks . However my friend Archie Andrews was the one who was there for him; so if you want to know more you should ask him or your daughter "

"Jellybean doesn't want to talk about it. She was the one who found him and she's hurt too but I'll visit Archie soon. You know, I can't still believe he had done such a thing. I didn't expect him to be depressed. He used to smile most of the times but unfortunately we didn't know what he was hiding behind that smile. I never understood him "

"Me too, he is a mystery "

Suddenly FP opened the door and a few seconds later Cyrus and Jug entered home. I said Hi and kissed Jughead's forehead, then he went to get changed and I sat in the living room with FP.

"Any news Betty?" He asked
"That's what I came for. Hopefully my parents agreed and all we have to do now is looking for our destination,booking hotels and buying flight tickets "

"Well, that's the best thing I could ever hear "
"Excuse me but would you guys please tell me what you're talking about? I'm totally confused " Gladys said
"I'll tell you later, now we have to focus on the plan "

After that Jughead and Cyrus came to join us.

"Good news Jug, Betty's parents finally agreed with your journey " FP said
"So it means we're finally going to talk about destination " Jug said
"Is there any special place you want to go?" I asked
"No there's not but I was looking for somewhere far "
" Jughead you can't go somewhere far from Riverdale, you know it's risky "FP said
"Your father is right Juggie ,you may get sick. What's your idea about New York?"
"It's crowded "
"It's boring for me "
"Los Vegas?"
"City of casinos? Not intrested "
"For the God's sake Jug, is it so hard to choose?" FP complained

"Calm down mr. Jones. Juggie, I know there is a place you want to go but you're not telling us. There are many places in this world and some of them are your favorites. So, why don't we go to your favorite place? Jughead remember your father is spending a lot of money, Cyrus and I are going to spend a lot of time all because we want you to be happy. So don't be shy and tell me what's in your mind?" I said

"I _ I wanna go to Mexico, that's where I've always wanted to go "
"Oh Jug, would you die if you said earlier? " FP said
"How do you dare talking to my son like that?" Gladys complained
"That's ok mom . So, now that you know where I want to go, what do you want to do?"

"Give me some time Jug, I should go and search for airplane tickets and hotel rooms, till then you can start packing your stuff and ask your doctor about all the things you'll need during our journey " I said

" I'm sorry Betty but are you two going to travel alone? Without us ?" Gladys asked
"We've already talked about it. By the way they're not going to be alone, Cyrus will go with them " FP said
"Ok I should go and meet Veronica but I'll start planning today and I'll let you know about it in a few days. Now if you let me, I will go "
"Bye Betty, we'll be waiting for you" FP said

I left their house and went to Archie's to see if he wanted to go to pops with me or not. I knocked the door and he opened it for me
"Hey Betty, I didn't expect to see you "
"Hi Arch, actually I went to visit Jughead and now I'm going to pops to meet Veronica. Do you wanna come with me?"
"Yeah sure. Just give me a few minutes to get changed "
"Ok I'll be waiting for you in my car "

That was the end of this chapter. Please don't forget to vote for it and tell me if you have any ideas for the new story

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