chapter twelve _ what I've done

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Betty's POV

I went to Archie's house when I left Jughead's home. I told him about FP and how determined he was about Jug's request.
"I don't know Betty but I just think it's not going to have a happy ending " Archie said
"What do you mean Arch? Why are you so mean?"
"Betty, I don't say it because I'm mean. Look,me and Jughead have  been best friends since we were born which means I know him more than you do and this is the most horrifying fact about Jughead; whatever he says is not what he really thinks about. He's the most unpredictable person you can see in your life "
"You're scaring me Arch. What should I do right now?"
"I don't know, it's his only request and we can't refuse it. Just be so careful and don't believe whatever he says "
"Ok,I'm gonna tell my family tonight,wish me luck "
"Cross my fingers for you Betty Cooper "

That day I came back home and saw my mom working on an article. I took a seat and when she saw me, she said "oh Hi Betty, I thought you might be with Jughead "
"I was, in the morning. Mom, can we talk? "
"Of course sweetie, I'm all ears "
"So, I've been feeling guilty since the day Jug got sick. The feeling is so deep that I'm drowning in it. Mom, did you know he committed suicide the day we broke up? What if it's all my fault?" Tears were falling on my cheeks and I was about to cry

"Calm down Betty. Even if it's your fault,  there's nothing we can do because only a miracle can fix him. So, why do you blame yourself when you know it's useless?"
"I know but there's something he asked me and he said it's the only thing I can do for him "
"And what could that be?"
"Mom, he's never been out of Riverdale and now he wants to visit a bigger part of world and he asked me to accompany him "
"But Betty, it's a big risk. I should tell your dad but if it's going to make you feel better, I'll try my best to convince him "
"Thank you mom "
I went to my room and texted Archie about details:
B_ I told her Arch, she's gonna tell my dad tonight
A_ well the problem is solved; I guess
B_ I hope so. Any news from Jug?
A_ I haven't seen him since noon but an hour ago, I saw a woman went to their house
B_ what? Did you recognize her or not? Maybe she's FP's girlfriend
A_ Betty, I think it's something out of our business
B_ ok you're right but if you found out, please tell me
A_ I will. Bye
B_ Bye Arch

Then I turned off my phone to do my school project .
After dinner, when dad was watching TV and mom was doing the dishes I went to kitchen and reminded her to tell dad about Jug. She told me to go to my room and stay there until she calls me. So, I came back to my room and started texting Veronica:
B_ Hey Ronnie. What are you doing?
V_ Hey B. Nothing special. What about you?
B_ I'm just staying in my room, waiting.
V_ what for?
B_ my mom, she's talking to my dad
V_ what about?
B_ I should have told you V but I didn't. It's about Jug. You know, today when you and Archie went to pops,FP talked to us about Jug's request. He wants to travel with me
V_ wow, you mean he really asked such a thing and FP just accepted it?
B_ I would tell you why he did but my mom is calling me right now which means I should go
V_ ok go but don't forget to tell me the results
B_ don't worry. I'll call you

I went downstairs and joined my parents. My dad was sitting in front of me, he said "Elizabeth, your mom was telling me something really weird that you wanna travel with Jughead. Is that true?"
"It seems weird but it's true. Actually I didn't want to do that but I think it's the only way I can feel better "
"I know you've always wanted to help people but you should also consider that Jughead is not a normal guy anymore. He's really sick. There are many people who need your help and there are many people who can help Jughead too"
"Dad I know he's not a normal guy anymore. I know he's sick and there is something that I know but you don't. If Jughead is in the worst situation that someone could be in, it's because of me. I was the one who drove him to suicide. If I hadn't broken his heart, he could still be a normal guy. Now, he's dying and after all I have done, he's just asking me to do him a small favor. So, how am I supposed to say no to him?"
I wiped the tears that were slowly falling on my cheeks and I was feeling relieved after a long time in a while. I saw dad woke up and started walking around home. He said "Betty, you know that I like Jughead but you're the one I like more than everything and I don't want you to be in trouble. I should say I'm really disappointed with what you have done and I'm kinda mad that you didn't even tell us. Now, if he thinks that it's the only way to make up your mistakes, then it's fine. I think our family owes him a lot "
"Thanks dad. I think tonight I can finally spend one night without nightmare "
I thanked him again and came back to my room and called Veronica.
"Tell me, tell me, tell me. What happened?" She asked excitedly
"Nothing, he agreed "
"That's awesome but why do I feel like you're sad?"
"I don't know Ronnie. I think I'm facing a dilemma "
"Don't think about these kind of things. Don't let your thoughts ruin your life "
"Ok V .I'll visit FP tomorrow but I will see you after that "
"Ok B ,meet me at pops "
I hung up the phone and went to my bed. I lay down and thought about all the things that had happened to us. I could never imagine how bad would be the consequences of the words we use. Once you break someone's heart and your life will be destroyed forever. I was the one who made Jughead's life a living hell and the thought of what I had done was ruining my life

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