01 whats in the stars

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"You know if you keep frowning like that your face is going to stay that way" Seungyoun playfully nudged his friend as they walked up the stairway leading to their campus. Seungyoun watched as Hangyul peered up from his notebook and intensified his frown making Seungyoun giggle even more. He loved when Hangyul made him laugh. It was a different kind of laughter. The kind that made you forget about pending problems, the kind that made you forget you were still you.

Hangyul was the best thing that could've happened to Seungyoun in the 3rd grade. He was grateful he forgot to bring his pencil to class that day because this moment right now, might've never happened.

"Were kinda lucky that the science block is just a few steps away from accounting huh ?" Hangyul draped his arm around Seungyoun as they both looked at the bold letters protruding out of the cement walls.

"Astronomy" Seungyoun read, "oooooh fancy."

Seungyoun grabbed Hangyul's reading glasses out of his top pocket, placing them on his face and immediately dived into character. Hangyul stifled a laugh as he watched his friend pace back and forth with his hands behind his back, muttering a few words he had come across in Hangyul's textbook.

"Ah sir" Seungyoun pulled an unsuspecting boy into his shenanigans. "Are you familiar with astrophysics?"

"uh yes I am studyin-"

"Then answer me this question!" Shouted Seungyoun startling the poor boy as he gestured for Hangyul to hand him his textbook.

Hangyul mouthed an im sorry as he handed the book to his ridiculous friend and shook his head at his ongoing antics. Seungyoun flipped through the book erratically, each page turn made the boy more anxious as if he was about to get tested by an expert of astrophysics.

Seungyoun finally settled on a page and sighed deeply.

"Did you know Spectroscopy revealed that some nebulae are purely gaseous, while some contain- huh ?"

Hangyul grabbed his textbook and glasses as Seungyoun sunk deeper into confusion. "He has no idea what he just read, lets get to class" Hangyul chuckled. The boy let out a sigh of relief and ran into the astronomy building with Hangyul following behind him.

"Hey! where are you going ?!" Seungyoun finally said shaking his silky black hair and regathered himself.

"To class fool" Hangyul responded, "meet me at Newtons at 4."

Seungyoun groaned and nodded, eventually making his way over to the accounting building.

He hated the time they spent apart mainly because nobody else got him like Hangyul did. Most of the kids in his department either thought he was an idiot or a troublemaker and never took him seriously. But Hangyul did. For some weird reason that Seungyoun could not wrap his head around, Hangyul thought that Seungyoun was intelligent. A soon to be astrophysicist called him intelligent. Seungyoun was good at numbers hence why he decided to take accounting, but it still bored the hell out of him. He hated books. He hated learning about things that would never make him happy or a millionaire. Yes that was his only priorities as of late.

Seungyoun threw his bag onto the floor and began watching the clock above the projector. Time always moved so slow when they were apart. Seungyoun remembered the first summer Hangyul went on an overseas trip with his parents, that was the first time he felt truly alone.

He had other friends but not the kind he could call at 3am and talk about conspiracy theories with. There was a point during that dark summer that Seungyoun realized he couldn't rely on Hangyul like this. Was it unhealthy ? - he always seemed to ponder on this question.

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