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Seungyoun found himself leaning against the doorframe of Seungwoo's apartment, his legs barely holding him up. He managed to knock just once, and Seungwoo opened the door greeted by Seungyoun's tall frame immediately falling into his arms.

Seungyoun sobbed.

He had no strength to keep up the facade he had with everyone. Every little thing that had been building up had finally come out and he knew that the only person who would take care of him in his time of need was Seungwoo. Seungwoo held onto him and stroked his hair, kicking his door closed in the process and brought Seungyoun to his bed.

"Do you want to talk about it ?" Seungwoo whispered as he allowed Seungyoun to bury his head in his lap.

"not right now" mumbled Seungyoun in between his whimpers. Seungwoo nodded and allowed Seungyoun to cry in peace while he stroked his head. It hurt him to see Seungyoun like this but he knew it wasn't about them. Even though he refrained from hearing details of this other friend, Seungwoo knew that this person was the cause of many habits of Seungyoun. The spacing out, the late nights at the observatory and just the mention of the friend turns Seungyoun into a completely different person.

Night fall finally approached and Seungwoo decided to order kimchi jiggae which was one of Seungyoun's favorite dishes. Seungwoo grabbed his cellphone as he watched Seungyoun sleep peacefully under the blankets and wished he could do more.

"Hi can I get two orders of kimchi jiggae and a cider please" Seungwoo spoke to the delivery service as the sound of His voice made Seungyoun shift his position in bed.

After placing his order Seungwoo sat beside Seungyouns curled up figure and placed a soft pat on his shoulder.

"Did I disturb you ? I was just getting us dinner. You should eat Seungyoun"

"mmm" Seungyoun groaned.

"I got your favorite"

"I know" Seungyoun murmured and lifted the blanket off his head, rubbing his tired eyes.

Seungwoo quickly grabbed a wet wipe and began removing the dried up tears from Seungyouns eyes.

Seungyoun laughed dryly and helped himself to the wet wipe. "Thank you Seungwoo, as always."

Seungwoo bit down on his lip and found himself twirling his fingers in his lap avoiding Seungyoun's gaze. After that night on the beach he had no idea how to approach the subject let alone pretend as if everything was back to normal.

"I just got really bad news this morning, I'm sorry I keep burdening you with my problems especially since I hate talking about it" Seungyoun sighed.

"You can't have it both ways you know" Seungwoo mumbled under his breath.

"I realize that now" Seungyoun quickly responded and grabbed Seungwoos hand.
"Yesterday I panicked because I was holding onto something that's clearly not there anymore."

"Seungyoun if you really cared about me I think now would be a good time to tell me everything"

"Everything ?"

"Everything" Seungwoo asserted.

Seungyoun began right at the beginning from when Hangyul told him about the space station up until the announcement the Space Station made hours ago. He made sure to be completely honest this time, he owed it to Seungwoo.

"Wow" Seungwoo's brows furrowed at the complex story understanding why Seungyoun was distant with him at times and why he decided to keep it a secret from him.

"If you realized you love him, are you sure he doesn't love you back ?"

"He told me he didn't feel the same way" Seungyoun scratched the back of his head. Saying it still stung but he was coming to terms with it.

"Seungyoun I'm not going to be a rebound until he gets back" Seungwoo pointed out,

"As much as I like you, I would still have to deal with you running to the observatory or the space station whenever Hangyul called."

"That's why I'm going to leave to Daegu with you"


"I need to live my life Seungwoo, I think there are better job aspects there and honestly if I'm starting fresh the only constant I really want is you" Seungyoun persisted, moving closer to Seungwoo.

Seungwoo watched Seungyoun lean his head against his shoulder and wrap his hands tightly around his arm.

"What about Hangyul...he is still your best friend" Seungwoo murmured.

"I'll get important updates from his parents not sure I want to see him when he lands though" Seungyoun pouted.

"You will see him again" Seungwoo smiled, "I'm sorry I can't be like this Hangyul guy."

Seungyoun startled Seungwoo by pulling him down onto the bed until he was hovering above his figure. Seungwoo gulped as Seungyoun studied his face, tracing his fingers along his jaw and up to his hairline.

"You don't need to be Hangyul" Seungyoun whispered, "I like Han Seungwoo. the guy who likes iced americanos, who loves collecting postcards from gift shops, the guy for some weird reason loves to keep a loser like me in his company."

Seungwoo neared Seungyoun until their lips were just about to graze when the door bell rang causing the both of them to sigh.

"Kimchi jijjae for two" the man shouted from outside.


The boys got done with their meal and decided to climb back into bed as Seungyoun still felt uneasy. Even though he closed his eyes, he could not fall asleep. Luckily he felt protected by Seungwoo who wrapped both arms around him and his warm breath touching his neck was oddly soothing.

"Things are going to get better I process" Seungwoo pressed lips against Seungyoun's temple.

Seungyoun responded by grabbing onto Seungwoo's arms and pulled him closer.

In a few weeks he was going to pack up his life and move to a new city. Four years was long and Seungyoun knew that waiting was not going to speed time up nor fix his confession to Hangyul. He had to face an inevitable reality and in order to move on with his life, he had to leave a little piece of it behind.

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