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'Don't you dare lose it, I want it back when I return'

The last phrase Hangyul had said to Seungyoun always lingered with him. It gave him a sense of security even now, two months down the line it had kept him sane. Seungyoun was scheduled to make and receive a video call two weeks ago but it was moved to today due to an unstable connection. But Hangyul was safe, since he made sure to use the computer code messenger at the Observatory to let Seungyoun know that the other astronauts needed to patch a satellite.

Seungyoun twirled the NASA pin in his hands and watched as the morning light hit against the metal. Since Hangyul had left he had no idea what to do with his free time especially on the weekends. During the week he would hang around the observatory with Yohan, waiting for Hangyul's signals and looking at job boards but on the weekends he was on his own.

He was graduated now, and his parents wanted him to start working, but that was the last thing on his mind especially after suffering through his last few classes at University.

Seungyoun glanced at his alarm clock and jumped out of bed. He wanted to get to the space station as early as possible, before any of the families showed up and took up all the time slots.

After a quick shower and breakfast, Seungyoun jumped onto the first train out to the city and even found a comfortable seat. Plugging in his headphones, he searched his bag for his comic but reached for Bomins's handbook instead. The spine of the book looked quite old, way too old for a young person like Bomin, working at the space station must have been in the family he assumed.

Seungyoun opened the book and noticed Bomin's name written at the top of the title 'A hobby in Astrophysics' .

He scoffed. 'Who would study this as a hobby' he thought opening up the first page. The introduction was pretty easy to breeze through since he knew most of the basics thanks to Hangyul. The thought made him crack a smile. He felt somewhat proud that he actually remembered everything Hangyul explained to him, even though he had no interest in it.

'Maybe I'll surprise him with a few facts next time we have an astrophysics conversation' Seungyoun smirked and continued reading the rest of the first chapter.

His train finally arrived at his destination and he managed to get on the Space Station with only one other person. They looked quite familiar, and Seungyoun was certain he had seen them during the farewell event.

"Please note that you should not disclose any information the astronaut you are meeting with to the public" The instructor on the bus announced and the old man up front glanced back to Seungyoun and sighed.

'What the hell was that for' Seungyoun frowned as they pulled up to the entrance of the space station.

The elderly man hopped out of the bus, glaring at Seungyoun once again as the instructor led them to the waiting room.

"Did I do something to you?" Seungyoun questioned as the two of them took a seat outside and filled out a confidentiality form.

The man focused on the questions, his eyes not leaving the paper. "You young people fall in love too hard too early" he muttered as he scribbled in his form.

Seungyoun's eyes widened when he realized what the man implied. "Its not like that, he's my best friend since we were kids" he explained as his face began to heat up.

"Keep telling yourself that kid it would be easier on you" The man patted Seungyoun's shoulder and made his way into the recording room. Seungyoun felt his heartbeat rise up even though he knew he put out the truth. Hangyul and him were just friends, there had never been anything more than that.

The man's words made Hangyul overthink to the point of almost missing his number being called. He quickly jumped to his feet and neatened himself before bowing to worker at the door, who smiled politely at him as he stepped inside.

The set up was basic. A small room with a desk and tv screen, a professional video camera on a tripod in front it and of course an official who monitored the footage.

"Cho Seungyoun for Lee Hangyul" The worker at the door read his form and gestured for Seungyoun to take a seat at the table.

Seungyoun exhaled deeply to calm his nerves and kept his fidgeting hands in his lap as the official began looking for Hangyul's message to Seungyoun. Seungyoun couldn't believe that he'd be seeing his best friend after two months, and it was coming in from outer space. They had really come a long way.


Seungyoun gulped as he saw Hangyul pop up on the screen. He still looked more or less the same, but to Seungyoun it was as if he were seeing Hangyul for the first time. He couldn't hide his smile as Hangyul casually brushed back his brown locks and called him by that stupid nickname he learnt to love.

"Seungyounnie, I got your response im glad you paid attention and used the coding software well. I was afraid you would give up and just pretend you didn't receive my message"

Seungyoun chuckled along with Hangyul knowing how predictable he could be at times. But thankful he exceeded his expectations for once.

"Space is just as amazing as I imagined. Its really quiet and dark but the stars! wow I really have the best view from my bedroom ever! Also going to the bathroom is not as fun I imagined. The food is pretty weird and my body hurts. But Im in space! I really cant believe it."

Hangyul pursed his lips and his eyes drifted to the floor.

"I really wish you were here to see it Seungyoun its unreal. I cant wait to get home and tell you all about it."

The video cut with Hangyul waving as someone on board with him instructed him that his time was up. Seungyoun's bright eyes became dull once more as he watched the screen turn black and the words end transmission appeared. He knew that as a non family member his time would be shorter, but that flew by within seconds.

It was now Seungyoun's turn to record a message and he already forgot about what he wanted to say. Now that he realized that the videos were ridiculously short, his mind breezed through everything that happened within the last two months.

The official switched on the camera and Seungyoun cleared his throat as his hands shook nervously at his side. Nodding at the officials cue, Seungyoun changed back to his supportive best friend demeanor in order to make sure Hangyul would not worry about his well being.

"Hi Hangyul" Seungyoun began, with a cheerful grin. "I'm sure you're having the best time. I'm doing pretty okay.Parents are on my case as usual. Yohan is still a big nerd but he sends his cheers to you. Also started reading your dumb manual and I must say I might become a better physician than you."

Seungyoun raised his eyebrow cheekily and pulled out the NASA pin from his pocket.

"When you get back lets see who is the smartest and winner keeps this, deal ?" Seungyoun waved and the camera beeped, signaling his message was now recorded and ready to be sent over.

His smile quickly faded and it felt as though the dark rainy cloud reformed over his head and snapped him back to reality.

"Don't be down kid" The official comforted him as he walked Seungyoun out of the room "your friend is in good hands, time will be up before you know it."

Time will be up before you know it.

That's all Seungyoun could ever hope for.

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