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Seungyoun hunched over Seungwoo as he booted up the computer and began searching for missing codes that the space craft may had sent over the years. Seungyoun was nervous mainly concerned about Hangyul's situation - his feelings needed a break for a day.

"This may take a while" Seungwoo hummed as he browsed through pages of broken codes. They had to retrieve almost 7 years of possible messages and it could help make the rescue mission more efficient if they could just crack the system.

"Wait, that green light is on" Seungyoun's eyes widened as he pointed at the corner of the screen "When I needed to receive the messages, Hangyul told me that it needs to be green."

Seungwoo pushed his glasses up and peered at the screen. With a few more clicks and codes they were finally greeted by over 5000 messages sent from the space craft. Seungyoun felt a shiver down his spine as he saw Hangyul's name pop up, his messages documented the entire trip after he had lost contact.

Seungwoo scrolled up to the beginning where the messages between Hangyul and Seungyoun were exchanged that night. His eyes skimmed across and his heart dropped.

'Seungyoun I cant believe you finally admitted it. Now when you're so far away I wish I could slap you. Ive always felt the same way, I love you so so much - H'

Seungwoo pushed himself away from the computer and patted Seungyoun on his back.

"I'll give you some time process everything" Seungwoo halfheartedly smiled and left the room.

Seungyoun was still frozen in his position as he read Hangyul's message, the one he misinterpreted over and over again.

"he felt the same way" He whispered under his breath and slumped into the seat and scanned over the rest of the messages.

' Seungyoun are you there ? I think we lost connection'

'im so scared, I have no idea what's going on I miss you so much'

'please dont be mad at me. We are trying everything to come back home'

'Even though you're not getting my messages, please dont forget me. Please dont. Im still here.'

Seungyoun's eyes filled with tears as he scanned through every emotion Hangyul went through. Some days he was upset. Other days he would talk about memories back on earth. He continued to study the stars and the planets they came across. He still cared so much about Seungyoun, he got Hangyul through a rough time without even being there with him.

'Were heading for an undocumented planet and the captain warned us about the possibility of a time shift. I overheard him say we may be here for minutes which could be decades on earth. I hope you're still you when I get back Seungyoun, I love you.'

That was the last message Hangyul had sent and it because of the time shift it was impossible to track when he had sent it. It could be two weeks ago or three years ahead on earth.

Seungyoun propped his elbows up on the desk and prayed as hard as he could.

"please let them be safe please let them come home" He begged and suddenly felt a warm hand on his head.

"Seungyoun I called NASA" Seungwoo murmured.

Seungyoun lifted his head, pivoting his body toward Seungwoo his eyes still shaking from the tears that continuously fell.

"They're all alive, the connection is back online. the rescue mission is on course" Seungwoo said, fighting back his own tears as Seungyoun jumped into his arms and they held each other in a tight embrace.

"Seungwoo this would not have worked if it wasn't for you, thank you so much" Seungyoun wept into Seungwoo's shoulder.

"It was the right thing to do" Seungwoo replied and rubbed Seungyoun's back before pulling away from him.

Seungyoun stepped back as he noticed Seungwoo's demeanor change and he noticed how Seungwoo refrained from making eye contact with him.

"W-what's wrong ?" Seungyoun stuttered.

"You have to go now Seungyoun" Seungwoo pursed his lips.

"What are you s-"

Seungwoo sighed deeply. "You need to go back to Seoul and see Hangyul."

"You have to come with this is all of your work you need to-"

"Seungyoun I cant"

"Why ?!" Seungyoun shouted and suddenly noticed an envelope in Seungwoo's hand.

"W-what is that ?" Seungyoun's voice shook as he pointed at the letter.

Seungwoo bit down on his lip and felt as if his heart was about to explode. He lifted the envelope and Seungyoun noticed a U.S NASA seal on the front.

"They offered me a job at NASA and im going to take it."

Seungyoun didn't know how to feel. He just received news that his best friend was finally coming home, and now the person whom he learned to love over the past couple of years was now going to leave him.

"You have Hangyul, there is no room for me now" Seungwoo murmured, "Its unnecessary for me to stay where i'm not needed."

"I need you..." Seungyoun whispered as Seungwoo's words stung him. It was true that he filled a void that Seungyoun missed from Hangyul. He hated himself for allowing Seungwoo to waste his life with someone like him.

"It's okay, I'll be okay" Seungwoo forced a smile and reached for his necklace which he carried with him throughout his life. Seungwoo stood behind Seungyoun and placed the stainless steel piece around his neck, and placed a soft peck on his forehead.

"Happy anniversary Seungyoun, let's keep in touch."

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