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The morning light hit Seungyoun's face as he tossed and turned in his white covers hoping to catch a few extra minutes of sleep. Today was the Seoul Space Station open day and Hangyul told him to get up early so that they could catch the earliest train before the working class starts crowding the subway.

Seungyoun's phone buzzed once more, his snooze button giving up its last try to wake up its drowsy owner.

"Im up im up" Seungyoun yawned and finally forced himself out of the warm bed and welcomed a cool winter breeze.

He managed to squeeze in a quick breakfast before heading down to the subway entrance where Hangyul was of course already waiting for him.

Hangyul was dressed quite formal, with his navy blue slacks and white collar shirt as compared to Seungyoun, who just showed up in his usual black tracksuit and sneakers.

"Why are you dressed like you're going to church ?" Seungyoun quizzed as the two boys raced each other down to the blue subway line.

Hangyul scanned in his transportation card and rolled his eyes as they dodged the flock of people rushing to their morning commute.

"I just want to make a good impression" he said as they squeezed into one of the carts.

"as I said. anything could happen."

Seungyoun yawned and rested his head on Hangyul's shoulder while taking out his phone and plugged in his earphones. Hangyul took one of them as Seungyoun browsed through his playlist and played Jasmine by DPR Live. The music filled both of their ears as they watched the city fly by. Seungyoun closed his eyes and allowed himself get lost in the moment. He was listening to his favorite song with his favorite person and nothing in this world could make him happier than he was in that moment.

"Hey we need to get off at the next stop" Hangyul whispered and Seungyoun snapped out his comfortable position yawning yet again.

"Will there be coffee at this nerd convention ?" He groaned as they hopped off the train and made their way to the nearest exit.

Hangyul's eyebrows furrowed. "Can you stop calling us nerds, I mean you like math."

"Yes, but I don't go to math conventions now do I"

Hangyul sighed and pulled out his phone for directions. His eyes flickered between his screen and the signs ahead of him as Seungyoun lazily followed close behind him. They finally stopped when the shuttle bus labeled 'Seoul Space Station' pulled in from around the corner and Hangyul spotted his professor along with the other two students who were selected for the Orientation.

"Hangyul ! your'e finally here!" one of the boys waved as they approached them. Seungyoun peered at the two boys from behind and snickered to himself.

Hangyul tried to hide his laughter too when he noticed that the two boys were covered from head to toe in NASA merchandise.

"You two look like you're going to a NASA kpop concert" Seungyoun teased as they hopped onto the bus.

One of the boys scoffed and turned his attention to Hangyul. "Why did you bring him?"

"He is my plus one" Hangyul smiled sweetly.

"-and are you each others plus ones because you dont have any other friends?" Seungyoun interrupted and the boys became flustered.

Hangyul hushed Seungyoun and pointed at the window as the bus drove out of the bustling city and the space station could be seen on the horizon. Hangyul's eyes lit up with excitement. The last time he had visited the space station was in 6th grade during space camp. He couldn't believe he was back and this time as an astrophysicist grad student.

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