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Since that night both Seungwoo and Seungyoun knew that as much as they tried, Hangyul would always be the lingering question in the air. Seungyoun did appreciate the lengths that Seungwoo would go for him, but he could not stand knowing that his feelings for Hangyul would never change.

Especially when his gut feeling knew that Hangyul was still alive and out there.

It was now reaching seven years since their expedition and around the fourth year, NASA pronounced them missing and shut down their radars. Seungyoun remembered the call very clearly. Hangyul's father broke the news to him while his wife sobbed in the background. But the feeling of loss did not reach Seungyoun as much as he tried to accept it.

He did give up on the computer codes though. It always reminded him of that night and he could not bare to look at that screen knowing that was the last thing Hangyul had received from him.

Seungyoun was on his way from work when he decided to be a good boyfriend for once and get an expensive gift for Seungwoo. Today was their 5th anniversary and even though they were both not into the marriage thing, he settled on a ring.

It felt more like an apology for being the world's worst boyfriend rather than an anniversary gift. Seungyoun picked out a platinum silver band, and engraved an S with a heart on the inside of it before swiping his card and making his way home.

Back home Seungwoo was working on one of his latest projects. He decided to keep it a secret from Seungyoun since it involved Hangyul's whereabouts. With special permission Seungwoo was able to collect the expedition coordinates and try to work out where the space craft could possibly be.

"come on come on" he groaned as he did an equation on his whiteboard and plotted his answer on the map in front of him.

Seungwoo took a swig of coffee and ruffled his dark hair as the numbers on the board slowly became nonsense to him.

"What am I missing" he whined as he read through all of his notes, "what were they doing just before they moved off route....BINGO"

Seungwoo threw the cloth that covered Seungyoun's computer and immediately dove into the messages that was shared between Hangyul and Seungyoun that night. Seungwoo's eyes drifted to the message Seungyoun confessed in and remembered the night he was left alone on the beach. It was since then he had to realize that he would always be second place to Seungyoun, no matter the circumstance.

Seungwoo jotted down Hangyul's code and worked out the coordinates on the whiteboard, trying to take his mind off his heartbreak and focus on getting the astronauts back home.

"I...figured it out" Seungwoo exclaimed, "I figured it out I know where they are!"

"Seungwoo?" Seungyoun called from downstairs as he entered their living room.

"Im upstairs! come here quickly!" Seungwoo shouted excitedly.

"What are you doing-"

"I know where the space craft is! I know where they are!" Seungwoo beamed and grabbed Seungyoun into a tight hug.

Seungyoun frowned unsure what Seungwoo was talking about until he peeped over his shoulder and looked at all of his work spread out on the whiteboard. He had every detail of Hangyul's spacecraft mapped out. He had never seen work this intricate since he'd been at the space station.

"Seungwoo how did you- wow" Seungyoun's mouth dropped as he got closer to the board and saw how Seungwoo managed to plot out an exact location based on NASA's check-ins over five years.

"Im a genius I know" Seungwoo smirked.

"More than a genius I think you could win a nobel peace prize for this!" Seungyoun exclaimed, he couldn't believe Seungwoo was capable of more than he ever imagined. He was definitely smarter than anyone at NASA.

"Im going to call NASA and Seoul Space Station and send over my work, then we can try figure out Hangyul's codes?"

"No, after you call the station im taking you out for dinner" Seungyoun commanded and held onto Seungwoo's hand,

"Not only are we celebrating you being smarter than everyone on this earth, its still our anniversary."

Seungwoo was touched that Seungyoun still tried to make him happy, no matter what. He thought that after news such as this, Seungyoun could not wait to go back to Seoul and return to his old schedule.

"Okay i'll meet you downstairs in an hour" He smiled and pecked Seungyoun on the cheek.


After Seungwoo's agonizing long phone call and a quick video call, the two finally made their way downtown where Seungyoun reserved a table at one of the best eatery's in the city.

"What did the captain say ?" Seungyoun asked as he stuffed his mouth with garlic bread.

"Well he didnt believe me at first until they saw my calculations" Seungwoo chuckled,

"NASA confirmed after using my coordinates that the spacecraft was indeed receiving the extra oxygen tanks and food, at first they assumed the dispatch was destroyed by a comet storm."

"If the oxygen is reaching them why are their signals still out?" Seungyoun quizzed.

Seungwoo shook his head and let out a sigh.

"Thats just it. We all assumed that they're lost in space, we did not consider the possibility that they could've found a planet safe enough to land on which would allow them to save their supplies, but the planet's atmosphere could be messing around with many variables such as signals or time."

Seungyoun was blown away by how Seungwoo explained their situation so effortlessly.

"I really should've paid you for those tutoring lessons" Seungyoun giggled and Seungwoo joined in.

"Dinner right now is good enough" Seungwoo blushed, as Seungyoun kept boasting about him.

"Which reminds me" Seungyoun cleared his throat and reached into his pocket. "I have been the single worst boyfriend of all time and you the guy who is smarter than Einstein himself dont deserve someone like me" he pursed his lips and held out the gift box.

Seungwoo rolled his eyes playfully and opened the gift, his face growing into a larger smile as he noticed the little engraving inside of the ring.

"S for Seungwoo or Seungyoun ?" he raised his brow.

"Seungyoun of course" Seungyoun huffed and placed the ring on Seungwoo's finger. "I know were not into that sort of commitment but I thought it would be nice to get you something special in order to show you how much you mean to me."

"Well I do have to deal with your moody ass all the time" Seungwoo grumbled.

"Exactly" Seungyoun chuckled, "No matter what happens Seungwoo, please remember that I do love you and I always will."

Seungwoo nodded at his words. Their love may not be the same kind of love towards each other but it was still love.

"I'll always love you too Seungyoun."

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