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Jim? Joyce is th...that *passes out*HOP! Dad!We have to go to are motel now! Everyone grab there things Max can you get everyone else here and make reason to leave. Sure can Ms.Byers.

At the motel
That's who I saw I'm I forgot the name. Kristen looks guilty. It's ok Kristen. I'm just happy he's back.El replies back. YES! HE'S IN MY GOD DAM LIVINGS ROOM! You better! *Joyce hangs up the phone* Mom who was that? No one Will. *Le Knock* Steve Robin! Who invited you? Dustin did Ms.Byers. Robin sweetie it's Joyce. So what the fuck has happened this time? Steve asks. We found Dad! Wait your not lying are you El? No I'm not come into the living room.

When Murray gets there
I can't believe this I thought he would be in Russia if anything! We should take him to a hospital because we don't know how bad he's condition is. Yes and I'm going to call Owens. Sounds great Joyce. Mom what's good to happen with dad? I honestly don't know but we can hope for the best can't we.

3 hours later because I'm to lazy
*hopper wakes up in a hospital room*sees Joyce* Joy...ce? Yeh Hop? Wait you're not real! *get up* I'm not that fucking stupid! Oh look there is everyone! *starts yelling* ha! I honestly can't believe that you dumb asses would think I would do it agin!wait?*gets quiter* or am I going crazy! *starts trashing the place* Hop! It's one it's real. Shhhhhh. *Hopper looks at Joyce* turns falls down* DAD!
Doctor.Owens walks in. Ummm what just happened? I...I I don't know! Joyce says with tears in her eyes.Joyce it's fine we'll figure everything out. Yah. Ummm guys what the fuck is happening? Who is he?Kristen asks. He's Janes dad and I honestly have no clue. Steve replies. Oh and by the way I'm Steve and this is Robin. Hi. Do you know what's wrong? Joyce asks concerned. We don't know much but we can tell he's been drugged, beaten and tortured. It also doesn't help that he was in the upside down for six months. He has broken rids and left arm, he will probably have some memory problems as well. Doctor Owens replies with sadness in his very.

30 minutes later
Hopper wakes up confused. Dad! Are you ok?! Who are you? Better who are most of you?

A/N sorry this sort didn't know what else to add.

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