Welcome Home I Guess

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'So I'm guessing you're house never got sold then'? Hopper asked with caution. 'Yah it never did but I guess you could say where lucky then'.Joyce replies with a small smile on her face. 'I'm sorry about everything that I'm causing,you and the kids... I-I just don't know what to do with everything that's happened recently. It's like all of my memories are there but they got a lock on them that I don't have the keys for'. Hopper says this with a mix of guilt and pain. Joyce didn't know how to respond to that. He's not known for showing his emotions, what happened to him while he was in the upside down.How do you respond to that with out making things worse. She wants to tell him everything that's happened since '83. 'You have nothing to be sorry about Hopper'. Can she even call him Hop? She did before Will went missing.Joyce just hopes he can't tell with what she's feeling... it's for the better. 'Well last time I checked if you jump though a portal to a different dimension. Hopper looks like a kicked puppy. Joyce feels like god himself just dropped her into a caldron of guilt. It's her fault in the first place. She wasn't fast enough
too turn the keys.It's getting late let's go get some sleep.
Steve and Robin were put in charge of all the kids. Right now they all where eating some pizza the got a couple hours go it got cold due to Eleven getting upset over Hopper, Not that anyone can blame her though.'You kids ok staying here while me and Robin go to this boring and unfortunately mandatory work Christmas party'? 'No problem Steve will be okay'!Will responds since he's the only one with out food on his mouth. 'Thanks'! A course of good byes were said and Steve and Robin were out the door.
Once they both got there they already could tell that this was good to be one of those never ending (storyyyyy) and super dull party's well that was in until Kathryn Gills came to the party, she had just started working here a week ago and all Robin knew was her name and a terrible description from Steve. 'Hey Robin you might want to stop staring now because she's coming this way now'. Steve said with the biggest smirk Robin has seen on him. 'I-I-I wasn't staring'. 'Sure you weren't Robin-Bobbie'!Steve walks off just as Kathryn walks up. 'Hey I'm new here you're Robin right?' 'I...umm... I-I why yes I am the one and only'. Robin as soon as she said that she felt her cheeks heat up. Oh god I hope she doesn't notice. I'm normally pretty good at hiding my crush's why is this one so difficult. 'Thank goodness I was worried for a bit'. Kathryn tilts her head back as she has the most adorable shy giggle. 'You're new here right'? Robin asks with her voice just maybe a few keys higher then normal. 'Yah I just started last week so far all my shifts seem to have Steve on as well'.Robin looks to her left and see's Steve trying to get a girl. 'Oh are you guys dating? I'm not hitting on him or anything'. Kathryn looks worried as she asks her this. 'Oh what no just unfortunately close friends'. 'Well that's good for guess...well by hopefully we have a shift together soon'.'Yah same here'.Robin looks at where Kathryn just was hopping she didn't scare her off.

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