The story

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"So is anyone going to tell me what the fuck is happening? Because it seems as that you know what's going on!"The rest of the party didn't do anything, they just stood there staring at Kristen without saying anything. "Will explain what's  was going on when everyone is here, okay?" Kristen just sighs and nods.
  They have no clue how long they waited, but after some time,
Robin, Steve and Erica met up with them. Not to long after both Joyce and Hopper showed up.
"So now get an explanation of what the actual hell is going on here?!"The storm had stopped by now. "Kristen promise me that you will have an open mind when I tell what's happening, okay?" Will asks her in a serious voice. "Yeah sure whatever just tell me."
    After Will  told her everything, Kristen just stood there .
"Back to the main problem, what are we going to do?" Robin asks everyone. Joyce sighs before replying. " I have no clue but we should head back to the house."
"How about we go to my house; no one is there and there's a small chance that whatever monster is after us this time knows where I live." Says Steve.
   "I think that's a good idea." Says Joyce. "Although... if they do come, your home might get wrecked".
Joyce thinks a bit before saying. "Yeah, lets do that Steve."
   They all pile into Joyce and Steve's cars and head down the road. There are fallen trees, power lines, and leaves everywhere. The ditches beside the road are full of water, like little creeks. The drive was very bumpy and ruff. Steve's house was in the woods just outside of Hawkins . He now lives on his own, so he's not sure with how clean it was. Steve stops the car and gets out. He goes and unlocks the door. They get inside before the storm starts up again.
    "So," he says. "This is my house. It's small, but it's better than nothing." He continues, picking up a basket of laundry and moving it to another room.
    "It's cozy". Says Robin, making herself at home. Steve grinned at her.
    "I'm still pretty confused." Said Kristen. She sat down and crossed her legs underneath her next to Will.
   "Well, "I have been feeling off, I didn't think much of it at first but now I'm worried ". Even though the monster was out of him, he still had a sixth sense when it came to the Upside Down.
    "What do we do?" Max wondered aloud. Her face was scared and she was holding on to Lucas's hand. Everyone was either sitting down or standing up but ether way the atmosphere was a mix of emotions. Everyone puzzled over that for a bit while Hopper had a flashback...
He was standing in Joyce's living room but it was a bit different, There was messy drawings everywhere. He was looking at her front door with his gun at the ready. Out of nowhere a dog like creature was thrown though the window. He could feel the whole room tense up. Then the door opened by itself, everyone was ready for a fight but El then came though the door. After this everything is kind of fuzzy. He remembers part of the plan they made...
   "I got it!!" Hopper said."El, come with me and we are gonna test your powers". El got up confused and followed Hopper anyway to the yard. The storm had calmed down a bit. "Ok, so remember last time when we went to the lab to close the gate?" El just nods her head still confused. "Let's test how strong your powers are." El took a couple of steps forward and focused on a painted rock that was by Hoppers foot. The rock slowly came to her. It only got half way before it stopped.
     " I'm sorry." El says with her head down.
    "Strange, what if you try closing a door?" Hopper replied.
     "Ummm, okay." El turns to the back door and opens it.
     Hopper walks over to her and ruffles her hair." Good job kid."
  El can now finely move the rock to her as well as making a garden chair float. Kristen comes out of the house to see this but before she could say anything it dropped and broke on the ground. "Maybe do it more gently next time." El looks up at him confused.
    " I didn't drop it, something came over me and I did." Kristen walks up to the pair before speaking. "So I guess you do really have powers." She does a small chuckle before continuing. " When we were playing D&D I saw you move a pillow. I was so confused about it I, so had to ask Will about you but he said that nothing had happened, I suppose it makes sense why he didn't want to tell me." El and Hopper look at each other. "I guess he didn't want me to go and tell Papa." El looks at her with shock. How did she know about Papa, she had never told her and when they explained him, everyone had called him Brenner.
     "Papa? I never told you about him only that his name was Brenner." Kristen just looked down.       
     "Yeah you did." El didn't care enough about it so she let it drop.
   "okay whatever". El said before walking into the house to tell everyone the news about her powers. When Mike heard about the news, he came up and planted a kiss on her cheek. Hopper had a distant look on him, Joyce smiled at them, and Will clenched his teeth.
   "Are you being over protective Hop?" Joyce elbows him and smiles.
   "" Hopper said awkwardly. In reality he didn't like the fact that El...his little girl was getting older. He was sad that he had already missed so much of her life. He awkwardly caught El's eye and returned her genuine smile.

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