You don't remember our monsters?

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Btw changing up how I write this just a bit.
What do you mean by who are most of you? Joyce asks. It means I don't know who the hell have these people are! Hopper snapped back. Before we get around to what's happening I need to talk to Jim alone. Joyce you're ok with that? Doctor Owen asks.Yah it's alright. After everyone is out the room Doctor Owens starts talking to Hopper some questions. So begin with introducing myself. I'm Sam Owens. I'm going to ask you some questions. What's the last thing you remember? Don't know why you're asking me that but I think the last thing I remember is going to work and I'm guessing you want the date as well? Uh yah that would be great. It was November 6th 1983. Ok ok. Why did you you say this is all a trick? Owens asked. I was in this place or whatever it was that looked just like here but off and there always was this girl who would make people come out of nowhere and basically make them bully me, it was always people I knew as well. Ok thanks I'll get everyone back in and will have a big discussion and all this ok? Yah sure thing doc. Hopper asked with a hit of unsureness. Before He got the rest of them they were talking about who just happened. Mom what's wrong with dad? Eleven asks with sadness in her voice. I don't know sweetie. I think something bad happened and I don't know what. Joyce replies.
You can come in now. So the problem is hopper doesn't remember anything after the morning if 83. He doesn't remember talking about Will or meets Jane. I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do now but I'm already working on it. There was this girl Messing with him but I don't know who. He-he-he doesn't re-remember m-me? Eleven asks with disappointment in her voice. Yah he doesn't remember anything at all. Joyce says looking down. Will he go home? Yah, I was thinking with you Joyce so maybe he can remember stuff. Owes said. Yah sure he can.

It's been two hours since Hoppers been at the Byers house and so far nothing has happened. Hopper and Joyce are sitting in the kitchen. So what I'm getting from this is we become friends agin? We did it's manly because of the kids. Otherwise we probably never would of rekindle Hop. Joyce says. Hopper smiles. Dad! DAd! DAD! Eleven comes running down the hallway who clearly just woke up from another nightmare. She comes and hugs home while Hopper awkwardly stands there looking at Joyce for help. Sorry I forgot. She looks down at her feet. Uhh no problem kid. It's ok I can't blame you it must feel weird for you because it most definitely does for me. Joyce goes and takes Eleven back to the living room where everyone else is.

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