Photo Albums

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Will wakes up and can hear something from his moms so he gets up quietly and walks to her room. "Mom are you okay"? Will walks into the room to see Joyce crying. " Oh hello Will". She looks up at him. "Mom"? Will looks at her with a worried look. "Will I'm fine...It's happy Hopper remembered a bit from the night he went missing" Joyce says with a small smile one her face. "Well that's great mom"! He didn't ask her because from the sad look on her face tells him Hopper didn't remember the whole memory. "Should I go and get El up"? "And by the way Jonathan went with Nancy last night to get some photo albums". Will nods and goes to get El.
El had heard Will get up so she followed him but then she saw
Hopper in the kitchen. She couldn't do anything but stare at him."Kid, you alright"? Hopper asked. She couldn't keys it in she ran up and hugged him while balling her eyes out." I'm sorry! I'm sorry! If I had my powers I could of saved you!" Hopper stood there awkwardly. He gave in an hugged her back."I highly doubt that it's your fault". Just then he remembered there first day together. He hugged her back with his own tears. "I'm happy you disused to stay with me that day instead of running when I yelled at you about Sara's box"El looked up and said with a shaky voice."Me-me t...o . Joyce had just stepped out of her room and walked into the kitchen to El and Hopper hugging. She smiled at them."Did you remember something else"? Just then Will came running out there room."El's not... oh hi Hopper". Joyce was in the middle of trying to make them breakfast when the phone rang.Will went to go and answer it. After he was done talking Joyce asked who it was." It was Jonathan saying that Kristen is coming back with them  and there now on the way back". "Oh that's great".
      It was around noon when they got back. "We're back"! Nancy yelled over the amount of noise that Will and the party were making. "Oh that's great sweetie!" Joyce replies. Nancy put down the box. Kristen came in and asked where the party was and went to Wills old room. "What do you have there Joyce?" Hopper asks. "Oh you know some photo albums to help with your memory." Joyce says looking at him wholeheartedly. " Oh my god look at what I found Joyce it's our last high school year book." Hopper does a small chuckle. Joyce goes over to him and takes a look at the yearbook. Joyce cringes a bit when she think of their final year of high school. They started looking through it. "Oh Hop look at Karen. I forgot with how dark her hair was." When Mike heard his moms name he thought he had to leave so he got up and the rest followed him, Nancy also was thinking the same thing but when they got out of there rooms they saw Joyce and Hopper on the floor talking and laughing while looking at what looks like a yearbook." What are you guys looking at?" Jonathan asked his mother. " Oh! I didn't see you guys come in." Joyce grinned. " We are just looking at some photo albums and found our high school yearbook." Before anyone could do anything Dustin asks with a look of shock on his face."Oh my god is that Hopper?" Hopper just nodded with a blank expression on his face. Max looked over his shoulder and spoke up "Oh shit! Really?" After that there was a bunch of comments saying how much of a jock he looked like and other similar ones. Hopper was now blushing. "Hop you're blushing." Hopper just looked at Joyce. Whilst everyone was bothering Hopper Will was looking at more photo albums. He had just found one without a name or date. When he opened it was photos of El. It looked like Hopper had found the photo album and put some photos of El in it as well. "Hey El I found a phone book of you" El turned around to look at him with a confused look. " What do you mean? Hopper never got to make one" When Hopper heard his name he looked at Eleven. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Hopper remembered something! It was a week after El had joined Hopper in their cabin. Hopper felt like he should start a photo album of her. "I remember making this!" Hopper said with a small smile one his face. "After the first week of you living with me I decided to make one because I thought that you would be staying for a while." El was now close to tears. She couldn't believe the fact Hopper did something so early into their relationship."Hey guys you want to see middle school Hopper." Everyone nodded in agreement. Before Hopper could move they were already looking at it. Lucas says how he looks like a Big Mac. "geez thanks."
It's been about an hey of them looking at photos Hopper got to show off some embarrassing photos of Joyce. As Joyce was putting them away a letter fell out. Mmmm what's this? Joyce thought to herself. As she opened it she realized that it was for her. It read.
"Dear Joyce,
I know you must be thinking who I am well it's me Hop. I don't know how to say this in person because I'm too much of a pussy." Joyce laughed at this.
"I didn't want our relationship ruined so I never told until now. I hope you are reading this before I leave but I will never know. The thing is I love you. I have a feeling you don't feel the same as me because of Lonnie and the fact before you started showing interest in him we were on and off again. Even if you don't love me back just remember I will always be your friend."
Love, Hop

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