The Shadow

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"Well good to that your up now." Brenner says walking into Hopper's cell. Lilliana follows just behind him. She makes eye contact with Hopper. He can feel himself freeze.

"Are we almost done with him Papa?" Lilliana asks Brenner.

"Oh, we're almost done. I think this may even be the last time, but let's make sure." Lilliana nods.

"And how do we do that?" Lilliana asks tilting her head to the left.

"Well just ask him some questions about his life after November sixth." Brenner answers her. While this is all going down Hopper can feel his heart rate go up. He has no clue who these people are or what's so special about November sixth. To be honest he doesn't even know with how long he's been here for, he could only guess that it's been at least ten months.

"Who is this girl?" Lillian asks holding up a photo of El. Hopper just looks at it confused.

"No." Hopper answers. Both Lillian and Brenner look at each other.

"What is the date?" Lilliana asks him.

"Well last time I checked it was the fifth of November." Hopper answers. They both looked happy with that answer. They kept asking similar questions. And he kept answering them the way, confused.

"Now we're done questioning you, Lillian will just give you this needle that will make you very sleepy," Brenner tells Hopper.

Hopper looked up and saw the sky. He sits up and rubs his head. He had no clue what that vision or memory was. Hopper stood up and started walk into the forest, but before he could, he saw what looked like a giant shadow monster. For some reason it looked very familiar. He took one last look at it before running back to Murray's place. He wasn't quite sure if it was still following him. Hopper didn't know if looking behind him was a good idea, but he did it anyway. When he turned around, he felt his heart drop, he saw that the shadow monster thing was still chasing him.

Joyce had walked back inside to Murray's house with a solemn look on her face. She saw El in the corner of her eye.

"Where did dad go?" El asked her as she was getting up to sit next to Joyce. Joyce can feel herself tear up. She felt bad for treating Hopper like she did. It's not like he knew better and all he remembers of her is from high school and after he came back to Hawkins.

"He left. I-I don't even know where he went, I'm sorry sweetie." Joyce says. El looks up at her betrayed. She gets up and walks out of the house. Joyce got up to follow her, but by the time she got the door she realized that she couldn't open the door. She instantly knew that El was using her powers on her. She angry at her for this, but at the same time she was proud of her because she managed to get her powers back. Joyce knew with how hard El had been working on gaining her powers back since she lost them, but just like Joyce thought it had something to do with Hopper's death.   

El was mad at Joyce for making Hopper run away. She never treated Will like she was treating her dad. They were both under mind control. It's not like Will didn't try to kill them, because she knows that he did. El knows that when she runs into whoever hurt her dad, whoever made him lose his memories of the last three years. El kept walking until she saw the Mind Flyer chasing after Hopper. She knew she had to tell the others about this, so she took one last look at Hopper and the Mind Flyer and took off running back to Murray's.
Will was sitting on the couch with Lucas and Dustin. It was kind of annoying because they kept trying to see what one of them is smarter than the other. He looked over to see His brother, Nancy, Steve and Robin talking about something. He kept thinking about what Robin had told him. He knows that he should probably tell his mom about him being...he didn't want to think about it. He knows that Robin hasn't told anyone other than Steve. So why should he go and tell his mom. He was no clue how she'll react. He knows that basically everyone he knows will accept him no matter what, but it's Hopper's reaction to him that matters. Even though Will is embarrassed to admit it, he looks up to him not just a hero, but some kind of father figure. And he knows that if Hopper doesn't accept him it will break him. Will felt goosebumps on his neck, he looked out the door to see El and Hopper running inside as the Mind Flyer follows them closely.

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