My Love

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Joyce turned around to see what the hell was going on. All she saw was Hopper and El out of breath.

"What is going on?!" Joyce asks both El and Hopper.

"There was this huge ass shadow looking thing that started to chase me then El." Hopper says clearly freaking out. Joyce now felt even worse. He never really saw it before and of course, he doesn't remember the whole monster thing.

"What are we going to do the Mind Flyer is back! We're not ready to fight it." Dustin says. As much as Joyce didn't want to admit, what Dustin said was true. They were not ready.

"El do you think that you can take it down?" Asks Max. El looks over at her.

"I don't know. I just got them back I don't even know if I have them back fully." El says with a sad look on her. Joyce watches as Mike walks over to her, she hugs him. Joyce looks over at Hopper and notices a small smile. Out of nowhere the shadow monster ripped of the roof.

"El!" Hopper yells running over to her.

"Dad I don't know if I can do it." El tells Hopper. He looks at her sadly.

"I may not remember everything, but what I do know is that your strong not just with your powers with how much you care for everyone that you love." Hopper says smiling. He hugs. El was surprised by this, but hugged him back anyway.

"Thanks dad." El says happily.

"Now go and fight that thing." Hopper tells her. El nods. She walks over to the Mind Flyer and starts to attack it. It clearly doesn't like it. Will tries to move some where else, but the Mind Flyer notices him. It looks like it's trying to gain control of him, but each time it does it seems to get just a little bit weaker each time. Joyce and Hopper shared a look.

" that normal?" Hopper asks Joyce. She shakes her head.

"No that's not normal. I didn't even know that was a thing." Joyce informs him. Hopper just shrugs.

El and the Mind Flyer keep fight and Will just stands there as it weakens from attacking him. Then out of nowhere a girl came and started to make the Mind Flyer smaller.

"Who is that?" Robin asks Steve. He just shrugs.

"Nope, but I honestly don't care there helping us." Robin nods in agreement.

El looks over at the strange girl who had just came and started helping her.

"Who are you?" El asks. Said girl turns to look at her before she says anything.

"I'm Six." Six tells her. El just looks at her in shock.

"You're from the lab as well?" El asks her in surprise. Six shakes her head. This made El feel confused. How did she get away with having powers and Papa not finding out about them, but before El could ask Six more the Mind Flyer smashed a wall near them.

"I swear if Owens doesn't pay for this!" Murray yells over all of the noise.

"Is it me or is the Mind Flyer getting way smaller now?" Nancy asks everyone. Most nod in agreement.

"But it seems to make it angrier though." Johnathan points out. Just as he says this it attacks Joyce.

"Mom!" Will shouts. It looks as if it's trying to posses her, but before it can continue Hopper pushes her. 

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