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Vince's first Varsity football game  2017

My family and Vicki sit in the middle of the crowded bleachers focusing on the field where Vince sits on the bench because he's a sophomore, but my dad believes because of his abilities and all of the work he's put in he might get to stand up. Harper and I are leaning against the fence of the bleachers trying to understand the play going on. Easing our confusion and lack of football knowledge someone scores a touchdown and everyone on our side of the field goes wild.

"Woah those cheerleaders are so flexible!" Harper says. She isn't seeing the field or any of the football players, instead her eyes are glued on to the cheerleaders who in this nightly breeze are in the shortest blue and white uniforms.

''Yup they sure are," I say. I place my face in my palm and gaze off at the cheerleaders who's thin legs make sme cross my chubby ones that are hiding under my big black hoodie. If I had to guess why Harper is so infatuated with these high ponytailed cheerleaders I would say it's because next year when we're in highschool she's going to be the first person in line at tryouts. Then again I've seen her stare at the volleyball players in their shorts, swimming team in their tight one pieces, and basically every other female team.

"Oh my god it's half time," Harper gushes. She claps and jumps up and down as the cheerleaders begin to start dancing on the track in sync. While she cheers them on my eyes wander over to the field where the players are downing their water bottles and being crowded by the trainers with towels. There's so much blue it's blinding, and I look back to Vince on the bench. He's no longer by himself and standing over him is Chase or to me the star of this game as his caramel skin glows and he strokes his curls. He's also on the bench with Vince and the reason I've been able to focus on the field.

"Aww someone has a little crush," Harper coos and my eyes move from Chase. Chase is way too good looking for someone like me to crush on him, I don't have a crush on him I just like to picture myself being beautiful enough to be with him. Other than that with my frizzy straight hair  and clothes from the plus size section I know my place.

"Do you want to get something to eat?" I ask.

Harper's eyes don't leave and her mouth is slowly opening as one cheerleader reveals her under shorts while doing three backflips.

"I'm good." It's probably because I'm bored and love the taste of food, but I' not good and I start heading off the bleachers to the snack stand. I get in the semi long line and fiddle with the five dollar bill in my pocket. The choices are basic football game fast food which I know I don't need, but all of the seven people in this line don't need them either. I'll settle for the veggie chips, unlike the people who are in the front of the line getting hot dogs drowned in every condiment.  

"Hey Daya," Someone yells, and I turn around. Not too far from the line is Unna and she's with some boy whos has a skateboard and sandy blonde hair. She can pass for a cheerleader with her long legs and her micro braids in a high ponytail. I put my frizzy damaged bangs behind my ear and give her a little wave. She giggles and grabs the boy's hand and leads him the opposite way of the field. Suddenly I don't want veggie chips even when they're low sodium.

Instead of waiting in line I go into the bathroom which is all clean and nice for the game. I stand in front of the mirror and look myself up and down. There are so many things wrong with me between my hair that needs to be straightened again to my collar that's awkwardly fitting making me. It looks like I should be in one of those half washed commercials. Hiding my wrinkled Target shirt I zip my hoodie up some more, clean my glasses, and give myself one pout before walking out.

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