killer POV - Proving a point

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So it had been a while since I had killed. I had sent the warning letter but the real warning would take place soon enough. I prepared to to go to the second targets house and send her and her boyfriend a message that given the opportunity I could get to them. I know her boyfriend had been taking extra care to keep her safe but he couldn't keep me away forever. I put on my costume and went towards my targets house. Her boyfriend was about to leave. They were having a conversation on the doorstep. I hid behind a wall on the corner of the house where the shade made my costume blend in nicely to the shadows.

"Are you okay Dylan?" The target asked the boyfriend. "You have been acting crazy all week. I've hardly seen you around school."

He took a while to respond.
"Yes." He lied. "It's just this Katie stuff. I don't know if what I would do if this happened to you. I couldn't live without you."

"Babe! I will be fine! There's nothing to worry about." The target reassured the boyfriend.

"There's a killer out there Chels." The boyfriend said.

"That killer had some reason for killing her but nobody wants to do that to me." The target said.

"We can't be sure of that." The boyfriend said. "You keep your doors locked and call me if you need anything." The boyfriend said before leaving. As he kissed the target a black cat walked outside. The warning was about to take place.

When the coast was clear I took my mask off but left my hood on and called the cat over. I started to stroke it and gain its trust. The cat started purring. I slowly grabbed a knife out of my pocket with my other hand as I stroked him. I took the knife and slit its neck without hesitation making sure to decapitate the head. Blood splashed over my costume and around the area I was standing. I went into my bag pack and grabbed a notepad on a pen. I wrote my message to the target on there. I went into my bag pack again and took out some old newspapers and cello tape. I wrapped the cats decapitated head in the newspaper with the cello tape and stuck on two notes. The top note read 'For Chelsea'. Yes I did know my targets name. We all have to do research in order to be successful in life. I knew her very well actually. The second note wasn't important right now as time goes on things would get clearer and my work would show it. I left the 'package' at the doorstep. I didn't knock but I knew someone would find it. I couldn't risk murdering my target tonight as her parents were home and her boyfriend was on good guard but I dif like the challenge. I walked away from the targets house happy with my work. Only one thought crossed my mind 'Soon my pretty, soon!'

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