Shintaro x Kido: One Dream Stand

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they get frisky later, so i guess this is 18+ even though im not gonna describe what happens haha... so i guess it would be safe to read idk just know that it maybe be a lil spicy

Narrator POV

Nothing to see here. Move along. The greenette, Tsubomi, thought. A small group of girls had walked passed her, gossiping about 'unnecessary' things. She had never longed that type of life with boyfriends and makeup and glitter, like the girls who roam the streets. She felt as though music was all she needed. And she wasn't the only one who thought so.

Just across the street was a NEET who went by the name Shintaro. Headphones on, he ignored the world around him. He had just walked out of an old antique store, looking for an old music record to add to his collection. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the greenette across the street.

Looking both ways, he dashed across the street. Tsubomi was seated on a bench, waiting for the bus. Her head was in the clouds, and she was listening to K-pop for the second time, just a song she had discovered a few days ago on YouTube.

Shintaro just had a sudden urge to follow her, and so he did. He quickly sat next to her, as if his motives were to ride the bus to who-knows-where, just like her. She glanced at him,  but quickly looked away.

Seconds after, he glanced at her, too, then quickly looked away. An awkward aura draped the teens like a blanket, but they spoke anyway.



They both said at the same time. Shintaro quickly looked away. Tsubomi cleared her throat.

"-I seen you before?" She finished. He raised an eyebrow.

"I..  Well, yes,  but then again, no-" he stopped abruptly after hearing himself stuttering like a kid. They both knew what they were talking about, though. That dream.

A few weeks ago, Shintaro had dreamt about dying over and over again, murdering himself by stabbing his throat with scissors. along with dying in different ways. 

Likewise, Tsubomi had a dream about being thrown across a room and dying when smashing against the wall, and many other different deaths involving other people she did not know.

Both of them had also dreamed each others' dream. Shintaro dreamt of hers, and Tsubomi dreamt of his. They never thought they'd meet in real life, though.

"Have you ever tried... Hurting yourself?" She murmered. Shintaro looked very surprised at the question.

"N-no! I never really had any thoughts about that..." Once again, silence.

The bus came by, and Tsubomi got up. She hoped Shintaro would follow her, since she wanted to talk to him about their dreams. And he did follow, but when they got on the bus, they were quiet. None had the guts to speak. Not until it was time for Tsubomi to head home.

"Hey! Uhm, can I walk you home?" Shintaro asked. "I don't know you, so I know it's weird to ask and all, but I just-"

"It's fine, it's fine. You can come in and I'll make you some tea." Tsubomi muttered.

Once they had sat down to drink tea, they were silent. They didn't know how to start. And so, Shintaro played with the gummy part of his headphones, and Tsubomi kept drinking tea. The small round table in her kitchen sudenly felt smaller and the kitchen felt too quiet, and Tsubomi felt as though Shintaro would hear her heart beat frantically.

"Why is it that we have these dreams? I mean, I don't know about you, but they just seem so.." Tsubomi's voice trailed off. 

"Real. I get what you mean. If it were someone else having these dreams instead of me, I would have just told them to get over it. But honestly, I don't know how someone can have these types of dreams and ignore it, especially after they meet someone in real life who not only was in their dream, but also dreamt the same thing."

"Are we crazy for even talking about this? I mean, this has to be more of a coincidence. You sure you're not.. depressed?"

"What? No! I have no suicidal intentions, I have too much to live for to make those nightmares a reality. Other than you, I have not met or seen any of those people that come up in our dreams," he said."

"Not even that girl with the red scarf? She seems to come up frequently."

"Nope. Pretty sure I've dreamt having a sibling as well, but I'm an only child! I've dreamt of my sister drowning and dying in front of me, but I swear to you, I don't even have a sibling."

Tsubomi looked down. "Then maybe we're just crazy people. If anything, your dreams feel like.."


"I don't think I've ever said this out loud before, but, I've been suicidal this past year. a little before the dreams started. Those dreams of yours, in your point of view, made me become scared of death. Without those dreams, I probably would have done something to myself by now."

Shintaro  put a hand on top of Tsubomi's. Tsubomi quickly looked down at his hand and looked back at his eyes.

"We haven't even asked for each other's names, but it feels like I've known you forever." Tsubomi said. Shintaro's grip tightened on Tsubomi's hand. He leaned against the table, and Tsubomi inched closer as well. Her lips parted and she closed her eyes before she realized what she was doing. Shintaro took the lead and kissed Tsubomi. 

"I'm Shintaro." He said, breaking the kiss. 


Their faces were still close to each other, and they both couldn't turn away. Shintaro stood up from his chair as well as Kido, and they started kissing each other roughly now. Shintaro pushed Tsubomi onto the wall, and Tsubomi gladly let it happen. She felt relieved, and this time tense for a different reason. The nightmares always left her tense and afraid, but she forgot all of that once her lips touched Shintaro's. 

Likewise, Shintaro let himself get lost in the kiss, except it only made him think of his dreams even more. He felt a strong urge to protect Tsubomi.

Tsubomi lightly pressed her hands against Shintaro's chest, signaling him to stop.

"Sorry, was it too much?" He genuinely asked, his voice was low and his cheeks were slightly flushed. He had her pinned against the wall of her kitchen.

"It's not that," her voice was hoarse. She felt almost afraid to speak up and break the silence of the small kitchen. "Let's go to my room," she said, her hands held onto Shintaro's jacket, and she couldn't look at his eyes anymore. She couldn't see it, but Shintaro nodded. It took a few seconds to gain the strength to seperate from each other. Shintaro grabbed Tsubomi's hand, and she led the way to her room. 

Tsubomi sat on her bed, and Shintaro followed. She leaned back as Shintaro climbed on top of her, and this time he kissed her softly, like he was afraid he'd hurt her if he kissed her roughly again.

Tsubomi grabbed Shintaro's hand and brought it to her chest. She gasped when Shintaro squeezed her breast, and Tsubomi went on to remove Shintaro's red jacket as well as her own.

The two kept going, unbothered, and were certainly not aware of a pair of yellow eyes staring through Tsubomi's window. Kuroha licked his lips and sighed.

"I'll let them have a little fun this time." He looked down at a pair of angry small red eyes.

"Don't you dare." Mary said. Kuroha simply ignored her. He pulled on her hand to bring her closer to him. Mary flinched as Kuroha leaned towards her.

"I wonder if you want to see what your friends are doing in this universe." Kuroha whispered onto her ear, and laughed as Mary hid her face.

"Let's just go. You had your fun already, leave them alone." She tried shrugging off Kuroha's prying hand, but failed.

"You're no fun, Mary. Will you keep me entertained, then? I'll delay killing them if you do." He tugged on Mary's hair rather roughly and put his other arm around her waist, and Mary gasped. She looked as though she wanted to cry, but she glared at him instead.


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