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"That sounds fun.""you're not scared? "He asked with concern in his voice."no it's a old bridge."I confessed."to be honest I'm slightly scared."he said laughing alittle."when I was 15 me and my guy bestfriend rylie were here and he was scared shit less."I told him laughing."what happened to him?"he asked laughing lightly."his parents dont want me around him but every now and then I'll see him."I told him.as soon as I said that we got to the bridge.
"You do know that this could give in at any given moment right?" I told him walking on it."well gee that makes it so better for me."he said sarcastically.i laughed and kept walking.i felt something touch my arm making me hit the figure.turns out it was damiar."ah fuck" "I'm so sorry damiar." I said helping him up."im gonna say it."i said smiling at him."dont say it."he pleaded knowing what u was gonna say."im gonna say it...FUCK YOU GOATMAN."me and him busted out laughing.we walked around more until I saw red glowing eyes.
Damiar didn't notice until I stopped him from walking."walk backwards slowly."I whispered.every thing was ok until he stepped on a twig.the figure started to walk out if the forest.there it was,goat man.i turn my head to damiar."run!" I yelled starting to run with him.he took my hand and took off.i heard the hooves of goatman chasing after us.fuck.was what I thought in my head.
I suddenly woke up on damiars bed.i looked around and saw that he put my phone on the charger.i saw him walk in surprised."you're awake."he said smiling."you fell asleep and we were gonna go to a haunted place but I saw you fell asleep halfway so I decided to let you sleep."he said as he sat on the edge of the bed. Everything was blurry I didn't have my glasses on,did my contacts dissolve or something? I realized that i had wore my glasses instead of contacts."thanks for everything."I told him as I hugged him tightly."its ok, your glasses are on the side table,are you ok?"he asked hugging me."yeah I had a bad dream that's all."I said letting go.i put on my glasses and realized that I wasn't in my clothes."hey damiar,did you change me out of my clothes?"I asked confused,looking at the black and white striped long sleeve."no I handed you one of my shirts and sweatpants,then you changed in my room and fell asleep." He stated."you were half awake."he told me to make it clear."I appreciate you."I told him smiling." I appreciate you too ."he said happily.
His smile made him look like a happy 5 year old and I love it.

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