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Play song whenever

Damiar POV
I feel bad about what happened yesterday,I accidentally bit on her lip.i need to find a way to say sorry.shes at school right now taking her finals and her STAAR test. (it's a Texas test kids have to take from 3rd grade all the way to 12th grade.)maybe I could get her a new ring,shoes is a must,shes had her black converse for years.im gonna get her a huge bear,I'd think she'll like it.i got everything and put it in her room at her house.i put a bouquet of roses on her front porch,then went to pick her up with a single rose.maybe now she'll be mine forever.

Olivia POV
I've been stuck in a room for over 4 hours cause of my test.as soon as that bell rung I was out of that hell hole.i walked outside,looking for damiar.once I spotted him I smiled alittle and walked to him.i noticed he had a single rose.i looked at him confused while taking the rose."what did you do?" I asked jokingly."I didn't do anything bad if that's what you want to know."he said handing me my helmet.i put it on and he parked in my driveway.i got off the motorcycle,to see a bouquet of roses on my porch.i pick them up and look at dam in confusion.i unlocked my door and shut it when we got in.i walked upstairs to put my backpack up I opened my door to see a huge teddy bear.i turned around to damiar with tears in my eyes.i hugged him.tight.i hugged me tightly.he kissed my forehead and rested his chin on my head.i felt something pinching me but I didn't have the reaction time to stop it cause everything turned back.

Damiar POV
I'm gonna hate when I'm about to do.but if I don't she'll leave me for rylie and I dont want that.
And she Is hugging me i slowly injected her with a sleep stuff i dont know what it is but it works.i removed it as soon as it was fully injected.i waited a few seconds till her body went limp.i smiled to my self cause now she'll be mine forever.

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