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Next day

Me and damiar decided to walk around town.i saw one of my old friends,rylie.
"Hey!" I heard behind me.i turned to see my boy bestfriend rylie.i smiled and hugged him."hey rylie." "How are you?" He asked putting his hands in his Jean pockets."I've been ok but how are you?" "I'm doing good,look I don't have much time but could I get your number?." "Yeah here."I got handed his phone and put in my number."it was nice talking to you." I said hugging him one last time.
I turned to see damiar sitting on a chair with his arms crossed and his jaw clinched.

Damiar POV
I was having fun until I saw that Olivia saw one of her old guy friends.i got jealous fast.what if she leaves me for him? What if she forgets me? I got mad.i have to stop being this way.or I could make her mine permanently.

Olivia POV
"Damiar,you good?"I asked with my hand out."yeah I'm fine."he said taking my hand and squeezing it alittle too tight.i brushed it off until we got home.

"Your mad."
"Dont deny it damiar your mad."
"No I'm not." His eyes started to get dark.
I felt intimidated but I was mad."stop lying damiar."
"Fine! want me to stop lying? So be it,I hate knowing other guys can take you away from me." He yelled.
"Damiar chill,hes just my friend nothing is gonna happen."I told him.
He hit the wall next to my head making me flinch.he kept his hand there and put his hand on my hip,gripping tight."damiar-" "just shit up Olivia." He said before kissing me.he bit my lip alittle to hard,cause it to draw blood.i pulled back to see the demon boy.i freaked out and closed my eyes for a second,to see the normal damiar when I open them again."Olivia?what's wrong." All I did was stand there for a second wiping off the blood from my lip."I'm so sorry Olivia." He said hugging me."its nothing bad dam."i told him hugging back.

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