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Damiar POV
I woke up at 8:30 and to go to the store.i need new pad locks for doors.i knew that sooner or later she'd try to escape so i have to be prepared.i got duck tape,heavy chains and a alarm that will set off if any of the exits opened.i should get her a few canvases and paints,I'm sure she'll enjoy it.im gonna get her a hoodie too cause its getting cold now in san antonio.i got her favorite foods,her favorite brand of paint and I got her some embroidery threads cause I think she'll have fun with do embroidery.i bought everything and left the store.i look at the time and realized it was 10:22 am I was in the store for over a hour and  a half.i rushed home cause she must be hungry I'm sure of it.

Olivia POV
I stopped what I was doing when I heard the door open.i saw damiar with bags of food and clothes."need help?" I asked."yeah there are a few bags in the back of the truck.could you get them?" He asked while putting the food away.i nodded my head and went to the car.i saw a bag with chains,a few pad locks and a alarm system.i too the bag and hid it away from him cause the only chance I have of getting away is when he is asleep but not yet he is still suspicious.i have to do it when he thinks I'm chill.i looked at the closed gate wishing I could just run.but i cant.i grabbed the rest of the bags and went inside.i set the stuff down.i started to put the food away until I heard damiar hit his hand on the island counter.he turned at me,he looked pissed."where is the rest?" He asked walking towards me."I dont know what your talking about damiar."I stated I was terrified at that moment.i was pinned to a wall.he hit his hand on the wall next to my head."dont act like I'm stupid Olivia I know you know what I'm talking about."he yelled at me."I have no fucking idea what the hell you are talking about damiar."I yelled back.he grabbed my arms and pulled me to my room."you are staying here until night." "You are acting like your my parent but you are just a dick who doesn't know how to control his actions and emotions." I fired back.i immediately regret that."oh yeah your gonna regret that when I  fucking kill rylie in cold blood."he yelled his facial expressions changed once he had said that he looked like he was guilty.

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