Chapter 15- Oh SHIT..... Ooopies?

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If you live under a rock, you don't know about sex, and you might be offended or corrupted by this chapter.

Thanks fo reading, yo. And I'm SORRY that I had to cut out the sex scene. Wattpad wouldn't approve it... It might get deleted or something so I had to cut it out.


        The door to my bedroom was closed. Locked. Good thing too. Because as Calum and I made out, it got pretty intense. We had to play music, and not even romantic music to cover the sound. Actual loud music. His shirt was off, and he was on top of me, on his his hands on knees.. I was propped up on one of the elbows, and my other hand rested on his shoulder.

        He moaned into our kiss, his tongue slipping in and out out my mouth. Pulling away slightly, one of his hands slipped down to my shirt, and begin to slip it up. His hand felt cold against my warm stomach, and I shivered. My contuined to lift my shirt, and as soon as his gaze layed on my chest, his breathing got harder. He squeezed his eyes shut, and backed off of me.

        "What?" I asked, sitting completely up.

        "I just..." He sharply took in his breath. "If we keep going, I'm not going to be able to stop. Best we stop now."

        I bit my lip, and nodded slowly. "I get it. We don't have to stop."

        "We've been dating three weeks."

        "I know."

        He paused. "I just don't... I don't want you to feel like you have to."

        I smiled slightly, and finished peeling off my shirt. "I know. Now come on."

        "You sure?" He asked, the corners of his lips twitching.

        "100% percent." I smiled. I climbed onto his lap, my hands on his stomach, and kissed him. My legs wrapped around his waist, gripping him tightly. He responded gently, touching my boobs as if it were your grandmother's best china, that you were afraid to break.

        We moved forward, trying to make our movements smooth and quiet, so that my dad, and his mom wouldn't be alerted. They were in their own room, probably doing the same, but we couldn't risk it.

        We had foreplay, Calum and I touching either, until I felt myself soaking wet..... Then it happened. It hurt like hell, even though he was incredibly gentle, and every five seconds he was whisepring; "Am I hurting you?"  I still bled, which scared me. But after awhile, I got used to it, and it wasn't so painful. And it became amazing. Don't get me wrong, it still hurt, and I was bleeding pretty bad,  but the bond and concention I felt with him was... amazing.

        Afterwards, we just stayed up talking for forever, and then fell asleep cuddling, without a care in the world


         I woke up with a start, not used to having arms wrapped around me. I looked over at him, and it took a moment to process it. Then, with the break of dawn, and apparently the restoration of my good sense, I blinked and realized my mistake.... We hadn't used a condom. I panicked, pushing back my hair, drawing my knees up, I rested my elbows on them, and held my head in my hands. 

        How? How Raven? How were you so utterly STUPID? You had sex with your boyfriend. WITHOUT A FUCKING CONDOM? I shook my head and wanted to slap myself across the face. I was absolutely crazy. 

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