Ch.28 A Year of Firsts

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This is the Second half of the story where I kind of speed up the timeline a little bit again. I made a few changes as well. *Fun fact Charlie used to be a girl. But then I decided I didn't want him to be a girl.* *Not so fun fact it took me a good hour to change it all around.*


The triplet's first year of life was... an absolute storm of laughter, tears, diapers, lots of diapers, a lot of mistakes and a lot of parenting wins.

But we made it through to their first birthday with all of them healthy and happy.

Many things had happened in their second year. Lizzy and Ivar got married. Which I totally called it.

They were, of course, the ring bearers. Well, Charlie was the official one because I didn't think it was a good idea to let a bunch of toddlers who weren't so steady on their feet have rings.

Plus they were going through that stage where everything went in their mouths and I just was trying to limit the number of emergency room visits that year. I had, five in the first year.

So... many falls.

My little brother Jr. was actually born six days after the boys. He was pretty much their best friend. A lot of people thought they were actually quadruplets with how much they looked alike.

They did everything together. And wherever the boys went destruction followed. That corral Lydia had given me only worked until they got really good with walking. Then, Mateo, my muscle man decided he would start knocking it over.

Which was no easy task but he managed. And the others usually followed once he made the breach.

Oh, and they loved to climb out of their cribs. We had lowered them at six months because they started pulling themselves up early. Four months later they were throwing their pillows out of the crib so when they threw themselves out they would have something soft to land on.

Complete animals I swear. They get that from their father.

But at least they weren't tall enough to open the door to their room for a little while. So when I came to get them in the morning they were all spread out on the floor sleeping like the little angels they weren't.

And you couldn't take them to regular parks to play with the regular kids. Cause they were bullies.

Especially Noah.

Now Noah... I love my little Nono Bear but he was mean. He had a temper like no other and was constantly in time out. When we went to the parks in the early days before I wised up he would play in the sandbox and if another kid even came close to him he would toss sand straight into their eyes.

Like... a complete asshole about it.

I constantly was swatting him on the butt and apologizing to parents for his mean behavior.

And of course when he did something the other two followed like his little minions.

They had been kicked out of two daycares for their behavior. Finally, Ezra had to have a talk with them at four years old because they were just causing way too much mayhem and we were running out of daycares.

"There's a time and place." He told them.

There really wasn't but anyway.

"At daycare you gotta be nice to the other kids. Make friends, like.... you see how Charlie has friends at school? That's what you want."

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