Chp 1. Daycare

848 19 15

(Sabre's POV)

I was sleeping, having my favorite dream, where I fly and see the world. I've always wanted to explore this world. Soon I felt someone nudging me.

Void: Wake up kiddo.
Me: Daaaaad.
Void: I know, but this is your first day at daycare! Don't you want to meet other kids?
Me: Yeah!

I always wanted to play with other kids, but when they see my dad, they run away. I ran downstairs, grabbed my bag and lunch and got in the car.

Void: I'm going to drop you off ok?
Me: Yep!

I was so excited to meet other kids my age. We drove for a while. We lived out in the country, but close to town. We finally got to daycare.

Me: Bye dad!
Void: Bye! Love you!
Me: Love you too!

I ran out and got to the entrance. I got inside and saw a kid in a purple suit reading a book. Soon another I'd ran down. He wore a blue shirt and had a long white sleeved shirt underneath. He also had blue pants and blue shoes.

??: Hiya! You must be new here. I'm Ryan!
Me: I'm Sabre.
Ryan: Well Sabre, Welcome to Daycare!
Me: Thanks!
??: CUTIE!!!

A girl in a tiger suit came down. She was hugging Ryan. She then looked at me.

??: Ryan, Who is that?
Ryan: That's Sabre. He's the new kid. Sabre, this is Tina.
Tina: And we're dating!
Me: Nice to meet you!

The purple kid looked up at us.

??: Oh sorry, I was so caught up in my book that I didn't hear anyone.
Me: Hi, I'm Sabre.
??: I'm Unicornmann! My friends call me Unicorn.
Me: Nice!
Tina: He's also a superhero.
Me: Really!?

I was very interested in superheroes, although dad doesn't like me reading that stuff.

Unicorn: Are you fan?
Me: Well, I haven't heard of you, but I really like superheroes!

Then another girl came downstairs. She looked so cute. She had a yellow tink top with a sloth on it. She had blue shorts and red shoes.

Unicorn: Hi Goldy!
Goldy: Hi! Who's the new kid?
Me: I-I'm Sabre.
Goldy: Nice to meet ya! I'm Goldy!
Ryan: *whispers* Don't get your hopes up, she friend zones everyone.
Me: *whispers* Ok. Thanks.
Unicorn: So Goldy, what do you want to do?
Goldy: Murder mystery!

I started to back up.

Ryan: Don't worry. You won't actually die.
Tina: Yeah! It's kinda like your a ghost that can return to the body!
Goldy: And there's respawns!
Me: I'm confused.
Unicorn: Let's just play the game.

We went upstairs. There were other kids.

??: Hey! Who's the new kid?
Tina: Tony, this is Sabre.
Tony: Cool.
Ryan: Ok, so we are going to play Murder mystery! But first, this is the new kid Sabre!
??: Hi Sabre, I'm Cookie.

I didn't know why, but I had strange feelings for her. I could ask my dad what they were later.

Me: Hi Cookie!
??: I'm Danny.
??: I'm Dave, over there is pup.
Pup: ruff ruff!
Dave: He says he likes you.
Me: Hi pup! Can I let him?
Tina: Yeah! He loves that.

I then petted pup. His fur was so soft!

??: I'm Kat.
??: I'm Lizzy.
??: Iz DeRp.
Me: Does he always speak like that? I'm not trying to be rude.
Derp: YeZ. N1c3 tO Me3t You.
Me: Nice to meet you too.
Ryan: Murder mystery time!

We then walked into a room with a portal. It looked weird.

Me: Ryan are you sure that this is safe?
Ryan: Of course it's safe! We use it all the time!

We then ran in. I then looked at myself. I was taller! How?!

Me: How am I tall?!
Goldy: That's the magic of the portal.
Unicorn: Not to be rude, but why do you hide your eyes?
Me: I don't like other people looking at them. It makes me think that they're staring into my soul.
Unicorn: Ok.
Me: Why do you where a mask?
Unicorn: I have to hide my identity to save the people I care about!
Tina: He's a bit of a drama queen.
Unicorn: Am not!

There was some words in-front of me. It said that I was an innocent. It also said to try to stay alive. I was running with Ryan.

Ryan: Are you the murderer?
Me: No, I'm an innocent.
Ryan: Cool. I'm the detective. I have to find and stop the murderer.
Me: Nice. So who is it?
Ryan: I have to figure it out. You may want to find another innocent though.
Me: Ok.

I then ran into Cookie.

Me: H-hey Cookie.
Cookie: Hey Sabre!

I then heard a stabbing noise.

Me: Ummm...
Cookie: The murderer strikes!
Me: I'm scared!
Cookie: It's ok. No one actually dies.
Me: That's a relief.

Tina then runs towards us with a knife.

Me: Run!!

Me and Cookie then ran into a room. I was trying to find something to barricade the door.

Cookie: It won't work.
Me: Why?
Cookie: We can't break things here.
Me: Oh no.....
Cookie: It's ok Sabre. Here.

She then hugged me and I felt myself blush. I then heard Tina in the distance.

Tina: WHAT!?!?

I could also hear Ryan and Goldy.

Ryan: She never kissed me!
Goldy: Yes I did.

I then heard the stabbing noise.

Tina: I promise not to kill you Cutie, but you better not kiss anyone else.
Ryan: She never kisses me!
Tina: Hehehe, well bye Cutie.

I then heard a bow shot and the game was over.

Ryan: Oh yeah! I won!
Tina: No fair.

We then got back to daycare. I was a bit shaken up.

Ryan: You good man?
Me: Just a bit startled.
Ryan: Don't worry, it'll be fine. We have to go anyways.

We then ran downstairs.


I ran to my dad's car. I opened the door.

Void: So how was daycare.
Me: It was fun, but not what I expected.
Void: Oh?
Me: Yeah. There's this game they play called Murder mystery and Ryan said people don't actually die and everyone is taller and it's confusing!
Void: Ok. I know that game. Don't worry, it's fine.
Me: O-ok. I have a question.
Void: What is it?
Me: I have some strange feelings for this girl, Cookie.
Void: Oh, I get it. You have a crush.
Me: A what?
Void: You like someone, I mean like like them.
Me: O-oh.

I then looked down. Void dad put his hand on my shoulder.

Void: It's nothing to be ashamed of. Want to get ice cream?
Me: Yeah.

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