Chp 12. Escape

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(Sabre's POV)

We talked for a little while, but then the Nightmare king came in.

Nightmare: Sabre...
Me: W-what?
Nightmare: Just come with me.

I was so scared. I just walked behind him. We walked into a throne room. There was a dark person there. Literally, all black. He was staring at me.

Nightmare: Dark, this is the human I told you about.
Dark: Yes, the Endervoid child (I'll explain later)

I was just scared. I couldn't run, I was frozen.

Nightmare: Sabre, go to Dark.

I started to walk towards him. I stood infront of him. He could tell I was scared.

Dark: Don't worry about anything. I'm here to help.

I couldn't react. I was paralyzed with fear. He then put his hand on my shoulder and started to walk out. I then heard an explosion. It looked like the building I was in exploded. Dark then grabbed my hand and started running. Then a fire ball hit him in the back. He collapsed. I then looked and saw Rainbow and Galaxy. They came to me and I backed up a bit.

Rainbow: It's ok. They won't hurt you. Galaxy took care of that.
Me: A-are they dead?
Galaxy: No. Nightmare escaped and Dark is just unconscious.
Rainbow: Let's take you back to your mom.

We then got teleported and I was by my mom's house. I opened the door. My mom and Cookie were on the couch. They looked like they've been crying. My mom and Cookie ran up to me and gave me a hug.

Me: It's nice to see you too.
Vanessa: We looked everywhere for you. We even called Void.
Cookie: I called the squad. They got worried.
Me: Why would they care?!
Cookie: I, I don't know. They just do.
Me: Ummm, Mom, Cookie, meet Rainbow and Galaxy.
Vanessa: You're that guy who gives me those amazing sandwiches!
Galaxy: Yes ma'am!
Cookie: Well, Nice to meet you.
Rainbow: Well thank you!
Me: They helped me when I was captured.
Vanessa: Thank you for saving my son!
Galaxy: Well, Miss, if I might ask you something, are you really and Ender?
Vanessa: Yep. I was close to the Ender counsel.
Me: Mom, what's an Ender?
Vanessa: Well, basically an Enderman high up in the counsel fell in love with a human and then they had a new species called Enders. That's us half human half Ender hybrids.
Cookie: Who's all in the counsel?
Vanessa: The Enderdragon, obviously, Enderbrine, The End brothers, a few Ender hybrids, including me, and a few Enderman.
Me: You're part of the Ender counsel?
Vanessa: Yep. Now, let's get some rest. It's getting late.
Rainbow: We'll just see ourselves out. Keep in touch?
Vanessa: Sure.

They then left and me and a Cookie went upstairs to get some sleep.

So, Vanessa explained what Enders are. Pls note I tried my best to make this as original as possible. I hope I didn't copy off of anyone.

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