Chp 7. Run away

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(Sabre's POV)

I was going to my dad's room. He was off at work so it would be easier. I got into his closet and grabbed a photo of us at the park when I was 7. I had a tear in my eye remembering that day. I the saw some strange papers on his desk. I had a quick glance. Then I read the title. "Plan to take over the Multiverse". Why would dad need this? Maybe he needs to burn his old plans, or it's a book idea. I grabbed the paper and went to my room. I then started reading.

Plan to take over the Multiverse

Slowly take control of the society and government, then go for a big storm of the army. *WARNING* Do Not tell Sabre, he would be crushed if he knew this. Next-

I dropped the paper. Dad was going to take over the multiverse!? Why!? He always tried to be good! I couldn't take this anymore. I grabbed some of my t-shirts and shorts. I grabbed a blanket and pillow. I pulled of my hoodie and threw it on the floor. I then ran to the kitchen and grabbed some food to last me a few days. Then I grabbed some water bottles. I put all of this in my backpack. Dad usually gets home late. It was raining outside, but I didn't care. I ran out of the house and into the town. After running for like half an hour, I found an ally way and went down. I was freezing cold. I got my blanket and got ready to sleep when I heard a voice.

??: Hello? Young man, what are you doing in this ally?
Me: I-I
??: Are you ok?
Me: No, not really.
??: Follow me.
Me: Who are you?
??: Richard. Mr. Richard.

I decided to follow this man. He seemed kind. I had all my stuff with me, incase I had to run away again.

Richard: Take a seat on the couch. I'll get you another blanket. You must've been freezing wearing a t-shirt and shorts.
Me: Y-yeah.

He then left. I heard footsteps come towards me. I looked up and saw Goldy!

Goldy: Hey bud!
Me: Goldy! This is your place?! It's so nice.
Goldy: Thanks. Dad let's me live in the big tree outside, but since it's raining, I have to come inside.
Me: Why don't you hate me?!
Goldy: Excuse me?
Me: Everyone seemed to hate me yesterday.
Goldy: Yeah, they weren't happy when they found out who your dad was.
Me: Yeah. And I just found out something really bad about him, so I ran away. Why aren't you mad though?
Goldy: Cause I don't care. You're not like your dad.
Me: Please don't make me go back!
Goldy: I won't. We could legally adopt you, if we can find any signs of child abuse.
Me: He hasn't really abused me, but his punishments are kinda weird.
Goldy: What does he do?
Me: If I do something bad, I get locked in my room. The time period depends on how bad it was. Sometimes I didn't get food. But I know he just doesn't want me to be a bad person. He still cares.
Goldy: Ok. DAD!!
Richard: What? Oh, I got another blanket. Goldy, do you know this boy?
Goldy: This is Sabre!
Richard: Nice to meet you. Your that kid who ran right out of school yesterday, right?
Me: Yes.
Richard: So Sorry. Here.

He then handed me a blanket I wrapped it around me. It was so warm.

Me: Thank you Richard.
Goldy: Hey dad?
Richard: Yes?
Goldy: Can we adopt Sabre?! I always wanted a brother!
Richard: Only If it's ok with Sabre.
Me: It's ok. I never had a sibling so it would be nice to know I have one.
Richard: Ok, I'll go call some friends at the adoption agency, for people.
Me: Ok. Thank you again.
Richard: No problem.

He then left. Goldy scooted a bit closer.

Goldy: So, How did my dad find you? Or did you come here?
Me: I was in an ally way ready to try and get some sleep when your dad found me. He wondered if I was ok.
Goldy: Yeah. My dad's amazing!
Me: Yeah. I'm getting really tired.
Goldy: Ok. Night Sabre!
Me: Night.

She got off the couch and went upstairs. I then laid down and immediately fell asleep.

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