Chp 13. Broken relationship.

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(Sabre's POV)

I woke up. I went out to the balcony for some fresh air. I still had the hoodie on from yesterday. I loved the view. I decided to go for a walk. It was peaceful. I love it when it's early, yet not too early in the morning. I then heard a voice.

??: We looked everywhere! For all we know he could be dead!

I wanted to know what that person was talking about, but didn't want to get roped in the drama so I kept walking. I was close to a stream when I felt a wet nose touch my leg. I looked down to see pup. It's been a while since I've seen him.

Me: Hey pup. I missed you.
Pup: *ruff*

I then heard someone say something.

??: I think pup saw something!
Pup: *bark* *bark*

I then started to run down the stream.

??: Hey! Who are you?!

I continued to run. I didn't see who it was. I soon got tired and climbed up a tree to hide myself. I heard footsteps. I looked down and saw the squad. They were chasing me?

Tina: I could've sworn I saw him run in this direction.
Ryan: Maybe I should call him.
Unicorn: He already blocked us and he probably doesn't have his phone on him.

I did actually. I did block their numbers because they'd probably only call to express their anger.

Angel: Guys......

They then looked up. Oh no. I couldn't run, I was outnumbered and Tina is a fast runner, same with Ryan when he has tea.

Kat: Please get down, you'll hurt yourself!
Tony: Yeah! Come on.

I then thought, if my mom is an Ender, can I channel that power? Before I could do anything, I saw Cookie.

Cookie: Leave him alone!
Tina: Cookie!? Where were you? We were looking for the both of you!
Cookie: Like you care. Sabre, catch this!

I then caught a bottle. It was labeled Ender essence. I think it'd unlock my Ender powers. I drank it and felt some weird energy flow through me. I then teleported by Cookie.

Me: Ummmm.
Cookie: How?
Ryan: W-what?
Me: Cookie, take my hand.
Cookie: What?
Me: Just do it.

She then did. I focused my Ender energy and teleported to my mom's house. What I wasn't expecting was that my mom and dad fighting. When they noticed me, they were shocked. I then ran upstairs.

Void: Sabre, get down here!
Vanessa: You still haven't changed. I'm going to talk to him.

She then opened the door.

Vanessa: Sabre?
Me: What?

I was both angry and sad.

Vanessa: Look, Void found my place and he demanded that he sees you. It's been 3-4 days since he's seen you.
Me: It's been 5.
Vanessa: I tried to tell him to leave my house. He didn't want to listen. He said he'd only leave when he sees you. Sabre, he wants to take legal custody.
Me: No! I am not going back to that accursed house! I'm not living with him again!
Vanessa: I know. I yelled at him saying that you're going to stay with me and that you even agreed to it. He just called me a liar!
Me: What?! You're not a liar! You're the best parent someone can ask for!
Vanessa: Thanks Sabre.
Me: Also, did you send me the Ender essence?
Vanessa: I told Cookie to give it to you. You know have the powers you should've had.
Me: Why didn't I have the Ender powers?
Vanessa: You were born with a rare disability that hid your natural powers. It didn't effect anything else though.
Me: So, I'm an Ender?
Vanessa: Yes, and also part void. If you ever unlock those powers, know that you only have the ability to fly.
Me: Still Cool.
Vanessa: I think we should try to stop this fight.
Me: That seems smart.

We then went downstairs. Cookie was in the kitchen, avoiding my dad. Dad was on the couch.

Void: So, Sabre, Why not go home and forget this whole thing.
Me: No. Me and mom decided to end this fight. And if you don't, I'm going to love with Goldy and her dad as their adopted child.
Vanessa: We need to do this. It'll help Sabre. He already has his Ender powers unlocked.
Void: Impossible! The doctors said he didn't have any!
Vanessa: Because his powers were hidden away!
Me: Let's just, talk.

We then got on the couch. Who knows how this'll end.

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