Chp 5. Rumors

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(Shark's POV)

I got a text from Sabre. We haven't talked in forever.

Dark Boi: Shark, I think I screwed up.
Fish boy: How?
Dark Boi: I liked this girl, and she wanted to know who my dad was, but when she found out in her own, she then got mad at me.
Fish boy: Listen, just tell her why you kept it a secret and maybe she'll understand.
Dark Boi: Thanks.
Fish boy: So, why are you texting me now? I have a free day, but what about you?
Dark Boi: I decided to stay home from school, today.
Fish boy: I gotta go. See ya.
Dark Boi: See ya.

(Sabre's POV)

I finished texting Shark. He had great advice. I'll tell Cookie tomorrow at school. After what happened yesterday, all I wanted to do was lock myself in my room and cry. I really like Cookie. I just don't know if she likes me back.

(Cookie's POV)

I walked in school all mad. Angel saw how I was acting.

Angel: Why are you in a bad mood?
Me: Sabre kept a big secret from all of us.
Angel: Really?! What was it?
Me: I don't want to talk about it. I didn't want to hear his excuses either.
Angel: Here. *hands Cookie a switch* it helps me calm down.
Me: Thanks. I'll give it back later at lunch.
Angel: Thank you!

I then walked to class, but still in my bad mood. Luckily we had 5 minutes before the class started. I played on Angel's switch. She was right, this was calming. Soon Ace sat by me.

Me: What do you want?
Ace: So I heard that Void Steve is-

He then looked around to see if anyone was looking.

Ace: *whispers* Sabre's dad.
Me: How did you know?
Ace: I was by the neighborhood and I kinda heard. So, why do you think he kept it a secret.
Me: He's ashamed?
Ace: Hmmmmm. He could be hiding that he's evil. He could be working with his dad on a secret plan to take over the world.
Me: H-he wouldn't do that, right?
Ace: He could be lying and you couldn't even tell.

I was shocked. Could Sabre be lying? He seemed really nice. I felt so embarrassed! I liked him! More than friends too!

Ace: I'm sorry to have to break it to you. I know you don't trust me, but I came here to restart my life. I think it's on,y fair I tell the others.
Me: Yeah. They deserve to know.

The bell ran.

Ace: Gotta go. Bye Cookie.
Me: Bye.

I just have to sit threw the whole school day knowing this.

*time skip*

I walked to lunch. The gang was already at the table. They were all mad.

Tina: Oh hey Cookie! Sorry, but we know something awful.
Me: Sabre's dad?
Tina: Yeah. How do you know?
Me: I found out last night.
Ryan: Speaking of him, where's Sabre?
Tina: I heard the principle saying that he stayed home. Something about him not feeling good.
Me: He should feel bad.
Unicorn: I can't believe he hid a secret that big! Void's a villain!
Me: Sabre said that his dad was protective of him. Why would a villain care for anyone!
Unicorn: Doesn't matter if their a villain or a hero, dads or moms love their kids. Well, depending on who it is.
Me: Can we change the topic? Oh, and Angel, here's your switch back.
Angel: Thanks!

(Ace's POV)

Finally I have my revenge on that jerk! Sabre will finally get what he deserves. He should've known not to mess with me.

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