Chapter 18

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Allies POV

I went home after being at Calum's for a while. I just wanted to be alone. Jut to think about everything that has happened recently. Schools gonna suck as well. The only thing I have to look forward to is that break starts in a week and that's when Hanna is coming to visit.

Hanna, I miss her so much. She's my sister from another mister. Hanna was always there for me. I'm so excited for when she gets here. I've sent her picture of the guys and she seems to keep her eye on Luke. They'd be cute together. She's so short and Luke is so tall. Yeah they'd be perfect.

I plug in my headphones and Avril Lavigne blares through them. I just sit there, looking at nothing in particular.

What did I ever do to deserve this. I don't think I have a shitty life, I just think it's a series of shitty events. The only good thing that has come out of moving here was meeting Calum and my best friends.

I look at the picture of Savy, Bridgette, and I that I have on my night stand. I need to hang out with them since we've only had few quality girl times.

My eyes start to droop and eventually fall asleep.







"Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag.

Listen to iron maiden with me." The boys sang beautifully. They were finishing recording their first cover as a full band.

"That was great guys." Me, Savy, Bridgette, and Mckenzie all clapped for them.

"Thanks." They all said in unison. They posted it on Luke's YouTube account considering he had a good amount of subscribers and likes.

"So what now guys?" Michael asks.

"Well us girls were thinking about having a girls day. So bye." Bridgette spoke.

"So you just kicking us out? I am heartbroken." Calum say placing his hand over his heart dramatically.

"Love you." I say and peck his lips before pushing him and the guys out of the house.

"Girls day in." McKenzie screams before flopping down on the couch and going through the stacks of movies we picked out.

We all looked at each other before saying "the notebook" simultaneously. We sat down on the couches, Savy pressed play, and the movie began.

By the end of it we were all sobbing. "It gets me every time." Bridgette says we all nodded in agreement. After she said it, the door bursts open revealing four familiar boys.

"We leave for like 3 hours and they're all in tears. What the fuck man." Ashton spoke.

"Shut up, you would understand if you just wanted one of the saddest movies ever." I said giving him a death glare.

"Oh boohoo get over yourself." Ashton said rolling his eyes. He was being awfully sassy today'. No never mind he's always sassy.

"Don't be mean to her." Calum says walking over to me and placing me in his lap and wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed my cheek and everybody groaned.

"Well I'm leaving. Anybody care to join before the lovely couple ends up having sex on the couch." Savy states.

"Leaving, that sounds great." Ashton and Luke nod. Bridgette gets up and joins them. Michael and McKenzie go up to their rooms leaving me and Calum.

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