Chapter 38

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Allie's POV

We were finally back in Australia and I was so happy. The boys we're having their final show tonight and they were so excited.

Currently me, Calum, and Emmy were all just in my old house, in my old room cuddling. The boys didn't have to be at sound check until 3. The other boys were with their families.

Calum's family still lives next right next door as well. "Mommy, can I wear my yellow dress for the concert." Asked Emmy who was now four. Her birthday was the same day as Calum's. Calum was 24, and well so was I. It was now mid December and the tour would be over tonight.

"Yes baby, you can wear it." I say bopping her nose making her giggle.

"Your beautiful." Calum said making me blush hard.

Emmy just stared laughing. "What's so funny I ask her."

"Boys have cooties, and daddy is a boy. He's gross." She said, continuing to laugh. Me and Calum had just decided to let her call him daddy. He didn't mind and I thought it was cute.

Calum started tickling Emmy, making her laugh harder. I grabbed any phone and take a picture without them noticing. "Emmy, you love me right?" Calum asked.

"Of course I love you, your my daddy." She said kissing his nose. It brought tears to my eyes knowing that Calum cared for her and she cared for him.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Calum asked, turning his attention to me.

"I'm just happy. I have the two people I love most right here. And they both love each other." I say wiping away the tears.

Calum smiles and presses his lips to my own. They linger for a bit, but come off quickly. He smiles again, and checks the time. "Shit, we gotta go. Sound check starts in half an hour."

My eyes widen and we get up and get dressed. I slip of some white skinny jeans, a floral shirt and some sandals. I help Emmy get her dress and shoes on.

We rush out the door and head to the amphitheater. Once we arrive Calum rushes in and gets a quick scolding from his manager before grabbing his bass and starting sound check.

Me and Emerson sit in the audience and watch the boys preform. Calum stares at me the entire time. Since Emmy was to little to be out here during the show we'd have to sty backstage in the wings.

So we did what we could to hear the boys. The boys finished soundcheck and went back to their dressing room. Me and Emmy sat in the audience for a bit, talking about random things before heading to their dressing room.

I walk in and Emmy screams. Michael was butt naked. While the others were in boxers. I picked her up and covered her eyes.

"Put some D-A-M-N pants on." I yelled at him. Spelling the word damn out.

"Chill out, I couldn't find a pair of boxers." He said holding his junk while continuing is search. "Plus, I can already tell Emmy's gone be pretty when she's older. Don't be surprised if she's having sex at 13."

Calum's face turns red and punches Michael in the crotch. I just glared at Michael while the other two boys were cracking up.

I just rolled my eyes at them. Michael found some boxers and slipped them on. I finally took my hand of Emmy's eyes and set her down on the ground. She immediately ran over to Ashton and jumped in his lap. Hanna was sitting in Luke's lap. Bridgette would be here soon, she was visiting Savy's grave.

God. I missed that girl. She was always so happy. I have to give her a visit sometime.

For the rest of the time. We were just chilling out in their dressing until their manager came in and told them they were one.

The guys run on stage and crowd erupted into roars. "Alright Sydney, how are you doing tonight." Michael yelled into the microphone.

The, once again erupted into a roar. The boys been playing a familiar tune.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. Simmer down simmer down..." The boys sang.

I remember this use to play on the radio all the time, after heir first album came out. Now the boys had 5 albums, and have toured the world 3 times. Not including the 2 times with One Direction.

The boys go through their set but don't come off stage yet. "Alright, I have something to tell you guys." Calum speaks into the mic.

"So a few year back, before we first toured with the 1D lads I met a girl. This girls name was Allie Walsh. Yes. I know many of you know who she was. About 5 years ago me and Allie ended things on a bad note. But recently I saw her again. She has a beautiful daughter, Emmy, who I love as my own." The crowd awed.

"So back to the point. Can Allie please come on stage. Bring Emmy too." I walk onto stage awkwardly and the people awe at Emmy.

I stopped next to Calum and he began speaking again. "Alright, this song is the song that caused me and Allie to meet. She had just moved to Australia and I was out on my deck playing this song. It's called Jasey Rae."

Lights out,
I still hear the rain,
These images that fill my head,
Now keep my fingers from making mistakes,
Tell my voice what it takes,
To speak up,
Speak up,
and keep my conscience clean when I wake.

Don't make this easy,
I want you to mean it,
Jasey. (say you'll mean it)
You're dressed to kill,
I'm calling you out, (don't waste your time on me)

Now there's an aching in my back;
a stabbing pain that says I lack,
the common sense and confidence,
to bring an end to promises,
that I make in times of desperate conversation,
hoping my night could be better than theirs in the end.
Just say when.

Don't make this easy,
I want you to mean it,
Jasey. (say you'll mean it)
You're dressed to kill,
I'm calling you out, (don't waste your time on me)

I've never told a lie,
and that makes me a liar,
I've never made a bet,
but we gamble with desire,
I've never lit a match,
with intent to start a fire,
but recently the flames,
are getting out of control.
Call me a name,
Kill me with words,
Forget about me,
It's what I deserve,
I was your chance,
to get out of this town,
but I ditched the car,
and left you to,

Wait outside,
I hope the air will serve to remind you,
that my heart is as cold as the clouds of your breath,
and my words are as timed as the beating in my chest.
(In my chest)

"Allie Katherine Walsh, I know I've fucked up before. But I really do love and I haven't stopped loving you since the day I first laid eyes on you. I know that day when I met you were the one." He said, he got down on one knee and my breathing hitched. "Allie, will you marry me?"

Tears were already falling from my eyes. "Yes, Calum Thomas Hood. I will marry you." I said before pressing lips to him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I smile.

The crowd awes and claps and we walk off stages. I admire the ring on my finger. It really was beautiful. Apparently Emmy was arranged to spend the night at Bridgette's house so me and Calum ran to his car and got in.

We arrived home, my parents were out for the night and wouldn't be back till tomorrow. Once we were inside Calum smashes his lips to mine.

The rest of that night was very eventful. The 'I love you's' that were exchanged. The passionate kisses. Everything was absolutely perfect.


A/N: Yay, Allie and Calum are going to get married. This story has about 3-4 chapters left. I'm so sad, that this ending though.

I never thought this book would be coming to end. I honestly thought I would probably give up with it. But I didnt.

I hope you guys go and check out my other fanfics.



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