Chapter 33

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Allie's POV

I texted everyone earlier, well everyone except Calum to come over. Calum and his family were out of town visiting some family for a month. I'd be leaving for New York in 2 weeks.

I got my acceptance letter 3 weeks ago. I haven't told anyone but my parents yet. I hear the doorbell ring so I make my way down the stairs. I open it up, and let Bridgette, Ashton, and Luke in since everyone else pretty much lived here.

"Alright, so what is you have to tell us." Ashton spoke once everyone was seated.

"Alright, I'm just gonna say it. I got accepted into NYU." I say happily. Everyone cheered and congratulated me.

Once we all settled down the questions started coming in. "So are you gonna tell Calum?" McKenzie asked.

I sighed. "I can't tell him, I don't have the heart to. He claims to still love but I don't know. He'll try and stop me probably." I said, looking down at the ground.

"He'll be more heart broken then he was before if you just pack up and leave without telling him." Luke spoke.

"He should've thought of that before he was swapping saliva with some random chick." I said angry, before marching up to my room and slamming my door.

I slid down onto the floor and started crying. This was going to be hard. I continued to cry quietly until I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I croaked.

The door opens to reveal Bridgette. "Hey." She said softly. "You don't have to talk, just listen. I full support you in your decision to go to NYU. It's really not my place to tell you whether to go or not. Like it's really not my place to tell you whether to tell Calum or not. But if you think your doing the right thing by not telling him go ahead. But please just keep in contact with one of us at all times. I can't lose another best friend."

"I promise, and I need to think about this whole Calum thing for now." She nodded, understanding.

"Alright before this gets depressing and sappy. I say lets go party and celebrate like there's no tomorrow." She said laughing at herself.

I laughed with her. "Let's go then "







Here, I was standing at the airport. Getting ready to leave back to New York to attend NYU.

Currently I was engulfed into a giant group hug by my best friends. We were getting stares from people all around us. But I didn't care.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so fucking much." I said sobbing into what I'm pretty sure is Ashton's shirt.

We all pulled away from the hug and they each gave me individual hugs and goodbyes. Finally left was Michael. Hanna was going to stay a little bit longer with Luke.

Michael engulfed me into his arms, and rested his chin on my head. "I'm gonna miss my baby sister so much. Please don't forget about me. I may be all the way on the other side of the world. But I'm a phone call away. I won't hesitate to jump on a plane if you need me."

More tears feel from eyes. "I wouldn't forget you Mikey. Your my brother. I love you to much bro." I say laughing towards the end.

"Flight 638 to London is now boarding." I step back and look at all my friends.

"I love you guys don't forget that. Hopefully we'll see each other some time in the future." I said before turning on my heel and walking to boarding area.

I had to take a connection flight to London, and from there I would go New York. This was gonna be a long journey.


Several hours later, I was finally back in New York. I was settling into my apartment that was right by the campus. My mom said it'd be better that way so I wouldn't have to share with anybody.

My thoughts shift back to Calum. All I left him was a letter. A damn letter. I regret that now. I should've at least called him. Or told his before he left for Ne Zealand to visit family.

I plop onto my bed and stare blankly at my bare walls. That would soon have pictures of me and everyone back on Australia.

I think about Calum. If me and him were truly meant to be. We'd find our way back to each other someday.

I still love him. But I need to move on. His thousands of miles away.


A/N: Yay, another chapter, and Allie is back in New York. But didn't tell Calum. Oh no.

What do you think is gonna happen next?? All I'll say is that there's still a bit more of drama filled chapters left.

Please follow me on Twitter : MalumLashtonLuv

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