Chapter 21

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Allies POV

Calum was discharged from the hospital the next day. He hardly spoke to anybody. Only simple things such as yes or no. He wouldn't even tell me 'I Love You' back when I told him.

I just think he was upset about everything in general. I know for a fact he's not okay mentally. It scarred him. Knowing he was the cause of one of his best friends deaths.

I stand up from desk chair and throw on some sweats and a black crop top that has New York written on the front of it. I slip on my black ugg boots and grab my phone.

I walk out of my house and over to Calums. I knock on the door and Mali opens it up for me. "Hey Allie."

"Hey, is Calum here. I wanted to come check on him."

"Yeah he's up in his room. He hasn't come down since he got discharged. I was just heading out." I nodded and made my way up to his room.

Once I reached his door I heard a hiss of pain. I barge in and theres Calum. Gripping his wrist. Covered in blood.

"Allie." He whispered.

"No Calum. No. You can't do this to me. I don't wanna lose you either. Don't do this to yourself. Please." I say sliding down his bedroom wall and sobbing to myself.

I hear shuffling and I look up to see Calum walking to his bathroom. Blood still dripping all over his wrists and hands. I stand up and follow him to the bathroom. There he's cleaning up his wounds.

"Calum?" I ask softly. He looks up at me and raises an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because, like I said I killed her. She's gone because of me." His voice hoarse from crying.

"Stop blaming yourself please. I especially don't want you doing this to yourself. It's addicting. I would know Hanna did for almost 4 years of her life. Please Calum please." I plead. I don't want him going down this road.

"Why should I stop, I killed her. This takes away all the pain." That's when I did it.

I grabbed the blade from the counter and held up against my own skin. His face immediately dropped. "If you do, then I'll do it." I say before dragging it across my skin.

He yanks the blade from hand and he wraps his arms around me. I look at my wrist, and there wasn't to much blood. I'd be fine. I pulled away from his embrace and and looked at him in the eyes. "Don't ever forget that I love you. Please." I say and kiss him passionately.

"I love you." He mumbles into neck.

"C'mon lets go lay down." I say grabbing his hand and bringing him to his bed.

We laid down for a while until he broke the silence. "So I'm going on tour in less then 2 months."

My heart may have cracked just the slightest bit when he said those words. "I know and I'm happy for you. Your gonna make it big along the rest of the boys."

"Do you really think that?" He questions.

"I don't think Calum, I know. Just promise me one thing?"

"And what would that be?" He asked.

"To not leave me for another girl." I said looking down, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"I already made that promise to myself and you by telling you I love you. I'm not gonna leave you and that's a promise." He says leaning down and kissing me.

We both pulled back and he put his forehead against mine. We just looked at each other. "You really are beautiful Allie. The most beautiful in this world. Well besides my mom and sister. But nobody compares to you."

My heart melted into lava. I didn't really believe I was beautiful nor ugly. I was just me I guess. Nothing spectacular or unspectacular. Just plain. Dull. Dry.

"And don't act like it's not true because it is. Your vivid hazel eyes. The way you twitch your nose when you don't like something. How you furrow your eyebrows when your in deep concentration. When you drum your fingers on the steering wheel in the car. Surely but oddly the way you sleep. I like it when you cuddle up into my chests and bury your head into my neck. How you believe in me and the band. Just everything about you." I honestly don't believe how he notices all these little things.

"Calum, your making me blush." I say hiding my hands in my face, speeding my fingers so I can see through them.

He just chuckles before pulling my hands away. "I like making you blush. Because it makes you look cute."

I just giggle. "I love you Calum."

"Who doesn't?" He says cockily.

"It's about to be me, if you keep the cocky attitude up mister." I say playfully swatting his arm.

"Ouch, that so hurt." I just laugh at him.

"I'm tired." I spoke checking the time. It was already 9:30pm.

"Go to bed then." Calum said.

"I will once I have one thing." I said biting my lip.

"Which is?" He spoke looking a my quizzically.

"I wanna wear one of your tshirts." Is at poking out my bottom lip and pouting.

Calum stripped off his shirt and handed me his. I took off my crop and slipped his over my head.

"You look hot my in clothes." He says pressing a kiss to my neck since we were in a spooning position.

"Make sure to keep it in your pants Hood." I said.

"No promises." He said which caused both of us to laugh. "Goodnight Allie."

"Night Calum." I said then he pressed a kiss to my temple.

Today really got me to figure out how much I really do love Calum. I would take bullet for him. I know he would do the same for me. I can see it in his eyes.


A/N: So how was it? Was it good? Bad? Flat out terrible?

Okay this was more of a 'I rally wanna update but I have some writers block' kinda thing. I'm sorry if it sucked.

The playlist to this story is still in some editing. I'm still trying to get the best 16 songs out of the 25 I chose.

Yes there will be 5sos songs included in it.

Is there questions y'all have for me? If so comment them, or DM them to me on Twitter.

Twitter: @MalumLashtonLuv

Just so you guys know, your all worth it. You mean something to somebody out there. Everyone deserves to be happy.

Alright I love each and single one you that reads my fanfics.


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