Chapter 12: What are we gonna do?

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The Oozmas were outside, coming up with a strategy for the next event.

Don, Terri, Terry, Art and Squishy were sitting on the stairs, Mike was standing in front of them about to give instructions, Sully was leaning against a tree, and (Y/n) was just drinking a coffee.

"Okay! Listen up, Oozmas. Now, we're going to have to start winning these things together, so that means I'm going to need each of you to pull your own weight." Mike explained. 

"Mike?" Squishy said, Startling Mike.

"What is it?" He asked.

"We've made a list of our strengths (They have those?) and weaknesses." Squishy answered.

He handed it to Mike, who read it silently.

"In high school, I was the master of (Rape-) the silent scare. I could sneak up on a field mouse in a pillow factory." (But that wont be very noisy..) Don said, But as he demonstrated his 'silent scare', his tentacles kept sticking to the ground and came off with a loud pop each time. "Sorry! They get stickier when I'm sweaty. Oh my gosh, that's terrible."

"We're experts in the ancient craft of close-up magic." Terry remarked as they both started doing card tricks.

"It's all about. Misderictionnnn..." Terri added, as he made the cards disappear (Like my dad-), only for them to fall out his sleeve, making Terry groan.

"I have an extra toe. Not with me, of course." Art told them. (Yeah pretty sure he's insane-)

"Guys, one slip-up on the next event, and we're goners. So for this to work, I'm gonna need you to take every instinct you have...and bury it deep-deep down." Mike explained as he crumpled up the list and threw it away. (LITTER POLICE-)

"Done." Art answered immediately. (Is this 911? I wanna report a purple maniac and no he isn't shoving kids in animatronic suits this time-)

"From now on, we are of one mind. My mind." Mike told them.

"Oh please..." Sully mumbled, earning a slight elbow from (Y/n), to which he only shrugged.

"I will tell you exactly what to do, and how to do it." Mike continued.

The others agreed with little hesitation.

"All right. Give me scary steps. Fifty up and down, right now. Let's go!" He ordered.

"Mike we're training, not working them to death." (Y/n) pointed out as he sipped his coffee.

"I'm not. They just need to work harder if we're gonna win the Scare Games." Mike defended.

"Well, your wasting your time. We need a new team." Sully added.

"We can't just get a 'new team'! I checked this morning, It's against the rules." Mike responded.

"What if we disguised the new team too look like the old team?" Sully suggested.

"Oh, no, no, no. We're not cheating." Mike declined as (Y/n) just groaned in annoyance at their bickering.

"It's not cheating. I'm just, you know, leveling the playing field." Sully stated.

"Seriously.." (Y/n) remarked, and as Sully looked at (Y/n)'s deadpanned face he caved in.

"Okay, so it's kind of cheating, but what do you want me to do? They're not exactly the scariest group in the world." Sully pointed out.

"Oh, a ladybug! Make a wish! Make a wish!" Squishy exclaimed to Art.

He blew it off Squishy's hand and it flew away, making them chuckle. While Mike, (Y/n) and Sully gave them dumbfounded looks.

"This is not going to work." Sully said, as he started to walk away.

"Where are you going? We're training." Mike asked.

"I'm a Sullivan." Sully remarked.

"That's not good enough." (Y/n) replied.

"You're all over the place. You're charging when you--" Mike started.

"Bup, bup, bup! You tell them what to do, but not me. (Y/n) maybe can, not you. So long, Coach." Sully waved off, as he clicked his tongue and winked at two girls he walked past.

(Y/n) was once again annoyed at the actions of Sully. As he watched Sully walk off with a hateful glare and twitchy eye.

"(Y/n), could you go talk to him?" Mike asked, Snapping (Y/n) out of his hate filled glare.

"Huh? Oh. I actually thought he was kidding about listening to me. He hasn't before, so why should there be a different now?" He explained.

Mike nodded in understanding.

"Okay, Oozmas." He started, only to be scared by squishy, and commented. "Boy, we need to get you a bell."

He grabbed the envelope and gave it to (Y/n).

"Listen up. 'If a kid hears you coming, they'll call Mom or Dad, then you better run fast or things will get bad'." He read.

"Huh?" Art questioned.

"In the next event, if even one of us gets caught, we're all out. So remember, do exactly what I do." Mike explained.

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