Chapter 16: Humiliation (Angry Author.)

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The Oozma's saw their picture on the newspaper of them doused in paint, flowers, glitter and stuffed animals and In oddly cute poses. The headline was 'Cute-ma Kappa'

 The headline was 'Cute-ma Kappa'

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("They embarrassed my squishy....In front of everyone?" Revs a chainsaw. "I'M GONNA KILL THE-" (Y/n) would tackle him off screen. "WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK, PUT THE CHAINSAW DOWN AUTHOR!!")

"Don't worry, nobody reads the school paper." Mike assured them as he threw the newspapers away.

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they read the quad." Art pointed out.

"Well this is terrible yet funny.." (Y/n) muttered.

That's when they saw the quad covered in pictures and banners of the picture. Monsters were laughing at the pictures in the newspaper as the Oozma's noticed the ROR's selling merchandise of the picture.

"Hey! What do you think your doing?" Mike asked.

"Raising a little money for charity." Johnny asked.

"Yeah, well stop it." Mike demanded.

"They do have good T-Shirts though." (Y/n) commented.

"You want us to stop raising money for charity? That's not cool." Johnny said.

"This guy hates charity!" Chet yelled, gaining everyone's attention.

"We want you to stop making us look like fools." Mike stated.

"Hey, your making yourselves look like fools. Let's be honest, guys. You're never gonna be real Scarers, cause real Scarers look like us and (Y/n). But, hey, if you really want to work for a Scare company they're always hiring in the mailroom." Johnny remarked.

Sully had enough with the humiliation, so decided to walk away as Mike tried to snap them out of it. ("AUTHOR HOLD STILL!!!" "OVER MY DEAD-")

"Guys, hold on! Hey, hey, hey! Wait a second. Don't listen to him. We just need to keep trying." Mike stated.

"No, you need to stop trying! You can train monsters like this all you want, but you can't change who they are." Sully stated as he walked off.

(Y/n) groaned in irritation, thinking Sully may have just abandoned the team.

"Mike, we appreciate everything you've done, but he's right. No matter how much we train, we'll never look like them. We're built for other things." Don sad, staring at his business card sadly.

They all started to walk away except for Mike and (Y/n) as Chet came up behind them, drinking coffee out a mug with the picture on. (-Sounds of drills and muffled screaming-)

"Sorry, Squirt! You too, big guy! Some monsters just aren't cut out for the big leagues." He laughed as he left.

But this, sparked an idea in (Y/n).

"The Big Leagues...." (Y/n) mumbled.

"What?" Mike questioned.

"The Big Leagues Mike! Remember where you got your inspiration to become A Scarer? We can do that for them." (Y/n) explained.

That's when realisation hit Mike and a smile formed.

"That's brilliant, (Y/n). Let's go for the others." He encouraged.

(Y/n) picked Mike up and flew them to the fraternity house.

"Guys." Mike started once they entered.

They all looked at them sadly.

"We're going on a field trip." (Y/n) finished.

((Y/n): "And now some final words from our author!" A pillar would rise up out of a plume of smoke to reveal...

((Y/n): "And now some final words from our author!" A pillar would rise up out of a plume of smoke to reveal

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(Author: "MMMPPHHH MMMMM MPPH MMMMM MPPPHHHHHH" (Y/n): "Ain't that lovely! Well goodbye for now!")

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