Authors Note: Thanks Guys (Mental Health Month.)

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Holy guys actually...DAMN! Over 17k Reads And 1# Rank In MaleReaderInsert?! You guys are amazing. I'm gonna be honest, when I first started writing this book, I had doubts, a lot of doubts, but you guys have pulled through and made this book such a wonder. I am so glad you guys are helping me get so far In life, I doubt I could do it without you guys here with me. 

You guys are amazing, and are the best people in the world. But, In all serious and for Mental Health Month, I wanna talk.

If you are suffering from depression or anxiety, like I do, try not to keep it hidden out of fear or worry, tell someone. Cause the only way you can help yourself, and others, is by talking to them. I know how tough it may be, and how it may feel like the whole world Is against you, but you have people to support you. Like Me, the fellow readers, your family and friends, they are here to help you, so reach out and talk to them. 

I know how it feels, like your backed into a corner with no way out, but you can forge a way out of this dark tunnel, and this roller coaster called life, just sit down, and get talking. That's what I really wanted to tell you guys.

So have a great day my great readers, and remember, you are never alone in this dark world, cause there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

So have a great day my great readers, and remember, you are never alone in this dark world, cause there is always a light at the end of the tunnel

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