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Heyyo fellow human beings i'm back >:3
This time with a drawing xD not the best at drawing but ehh I tried HAHA I'm going to put on my art Instagram too for documentation purposes (username: Alienz93) but there are some server problems now ? Can't post anything :/ ehehe anyways uhh if you're wondering what they're saying, here's the translation :3

Gouenji: Kidou, what's with those clothes?
Kidou: I'd say the same to you.
Endou: Fight with all your might!
Fubuki: Are you done preparing?
Hiroto: We will definitely not lose!
Chibi Kazemaru: Don't forget about me! ヽ(`⌒')ノ

Anywaysssss, was initially feeling a little down because of some things that are happening so I'm not sure if this chappie is gonna turn out well but anyways I'm still determined to get this chappie done so let's go! On with the chappie bwuahaha

"Schuld" - Guilt

"Guilt is the worst demon to bear, strangling you,
from the inside of your body.
Make amends.
Let go.
Breathe free."
-Nikita Gill

Everyone watched in horror as the thing bearing the skin of their deceased friend morphed right in front of their eyes.

"Dare- Ie, kisama nani mono da?! (Who- No, What are you?!)" Kidou exclaimed.

The thing continued to change, eyeballs popping from its sockets and tongue elongating from its lips. 'Kogure's' skin began tearing and breaking as if a doll being ripped of its cloth, the fluffy cotton spilling out.

It began to laugh.

Somehow, Endou couldn't help but feel a seething rage rise from within his chest. Kogure was their precious friend! How could this... this monster use him like that...?! His hands were curled into fists as his eyes hid beneath his bangs.

Kazemaru, who was standing right beside their captain realised the change in the atmosphere and sent him a concerned glance.


"A-Aitsu (That guy)...! He used... He used Kogure's...!"

Endou squeezed his eyes shut in attempt to seize control of his emotions. He, too hadn't gotten over Kogure's passing just yet. They had no time to adjust at all before being forced into another round of survival. It was almost as if the Dark Games wanted to them to forget the death of their team member-in order to create a new generation of emotionless soldiers... He hoped he was wrong. Endou already disapproved as much of the Dark Games' sick ways as it is.

"Y'know... He was really tasty... That Kogure..." the sludge of flesh which had a horrid resemblance to Kogure spoke in a distorted voice.


The room suddenly froze- no, everyone in the room froze. A spike of danger had spilt out of nowhere. For a moment, some of them even thought that their sadistic leader had suddenly appeared. But it was when they realised where it was coming from-who it was coming from, they realised that the demon was probably in deep shit.

There, Gouenji was standing with a look of rage as if he were ready to commit genocide. In a flash, he was in front of the sludge.

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