At home

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Kristen Buckingham stood in the doorway of her bedroom and watched as her rock star husband of thirteen years was getting dressed for a special occasion. Her eyes closely followed his every move. Whenever they went out together, which was very rarely, mainly on their wedding anniversary that is if he wasn’t touring, Lindsey would put on the first pair of jeans and an old t-shirt, but now he’s making an effort. He showered, he carefully picked out what to wear and he’s spraying some cologne right before Kristen’s eyes. She would be ok if she didn’t know who Lindsey was going to see in just a short amount of time.

She cleared her throat to speak up. “Do you really have to go?”

“What kind of question is that? Yes, Kristen, I have to go, because it’s my daughter’s birthday.” Lindsey replied more angrily than he had intended to. He was putting on a necklace around his neck that she had given him for his sixtieth birthday.

“Looks more like you’re going on a date.” Kristen said, but Lindsey ignored her comment. “Do you love Sara more than our kids, Lindsey?”

“Kristen, are you insane?” He turned away from the mirror and faced his wife. “I love all my children equally.”

“But Sara is your and hers daughter.”

Lindsey sighed annoyed. “Don’t be ridiculous, please. I don’t need this right now.”

“You never need it! You never want to talk to me, Lindsey…”

“Because you’re making stupid accusations.”

“It’s true though, isn’t it?”

“Kristen…” He shook his head sadly. “I have to go.”

Stevie Nicks, the Queen of Rock and Roll, had twelve teenagers in her mansion, who were invited by her daughter, to celebrate her sixteenth birthday. Stevie didn’t mind, those kids were great, she knew all of them and every single one of them adored her. She wasn’t one of those moms who bought a cake and asked if everything was fine, no. Stevie had to entertain, like she was born to do. All Sara’s friends kept telling her, she had the coolest mom on earth and she agreed, because it was true.

Stevie always used to say she was too busy for kids, she didn’t want to take a break from her career. Then an offer came for her to write a song for a movie soundtrack, she didn’t want to drag her band into it, because they had just finished a big tour, so she got over her ego and called Lindsey Buckingham. They hadn’t worked together since ’87 together and only performed on the same stage once after that. Lindsey didn’t hesitate. Working on that one song was a lot of fun and they enjoyed doing it and one night they got a little carried away, which resulted in Stevie getting pregnant. She wasn’t sure what to do. She doubted Lindsey would want that baby, yet, she still called and told him everything. He made her promise time and time again she will not terminate the pregnancy. He made sure that even thought they weren’t together, he would be there for his child and he had, ever since Sara was born.

“Mom, the door!” Sara yelled from upstairs

“I know, but I don’t know why don’t you go get it?” Stevie replied from the kitchen, making herself a much needed cup of tea. “It must be for you anyway.”

Sara stomped downstairs with a heavy sigh and swung the door open. “Dad!” She exclaimed and hugged him tightly.

“Hey! Happy Sweet Sixteen!” Stevie smiled to herself and went to watch the two most important people in her life from a few steps behind. “I hope I understood you correctly and got the one you wanted.” 

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