When are you moving in?

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It had been a week. Stevie and Lindsey had agreed to actually start dating again and they went out twice in that one week. She wanted to make sure they were able to make it this time and he didn't protest. He even gave her flowers, a simple gesture, yet long forgotten between them, made her cry. Naturally, he thought he did something wrong, didn't remember what flowers she liked or something like that, but she shook her head and laced her fingers together around his neck. Although all of it was happening outside the house, they didn't want to get Sara's hopes up in case they failed. The tour was going to start in just a few days though, and both Stevie and Lindsey knew their daughter would be upset with her parents leaving, so to cheer her up they decided to announce they were back together. But only to Sara, others could wait. 

The doorbell rang and Sara was on her way downstairs anyway, so she hurried to open it. "Dad? What brings you here?"

"Good evening to you too, sweetheart."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to sound like that."

"It's fine." He assured and greeted her with a hug. "Is your mother around here?"

"The last time I saw her she was on her way to the bathroom, for a long and relaxing bath as she put it."

"Thanks!" Lindsey started climbing up the stairs, but stopped when Sara called after him. 

"What are you exactly doing?"

"I'm going to see your mother."

"Wait, what? I thought I said she was in the bathtub?"

"We made you, Sara. I've seen her naked."

"Ew!" She shrieked and Lindsey laughed continuing his journey up the stairs. 

He entered the bedroom and Stevie wasn't there, so she must still be in the bathroom, he thought and knocked on the door. "Steves, you in here?"

"The hell are you doing in my bedroom, Buckingham?!"

"May I come in?" He ignored her.

"Well, can't you wait for one second?"

"I've known you for decades, I know you'll take more than just a second."

He heard her sigh through the door. "You may come in." He wished she was still in the water, but was left a little disappointed to see her wrapped in a towel already.


"Hey, yourself." 

Lindsey closed the short distance between them and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. "Hi."

"Hi." They knew they were grinning like two teenage fools, but neither of them cared. She got on her tip toes and kissed him on the lips briefly. "I thought I had time for a bath, weren't you supposed to be coming in about an hour?"

"I was, but I got bored, so here I am and may I say this is much more pleasant." He reached for the knot and wanted to let the towel fall on the floor so badly, but the stare he was getting from Stevie, made him think again. 

"I told you I'm not ready yet."

"But I don't understand what have you got to be ready for? If there's one thing we've been great at our whole lifes is having sex!"

"Imagine how much better it will be if you wait just a tiny bit more." She winked and kissed him again, now gently biting his lower lip. "Anyway, go now and I'll be out of here in a few. Then we can go talk to Sara." He obeyed and left the bathroom. 

Stevie didn't lie for once about the time she would need to get dressed and Lindsey was impressed. They left her bedroom and went to search for their daughter. The door to Sara's room was slightly ajar and the sound of music was coming from inside. Stevie knocked and opened the door wider. 

"Sara, baby?"

"Mmm?" She hit pause on The Beatles and turned around. "Both of you?" She asked a little surprised.

"Yes. What are you doing? I hope we're not interrupting?"

"Oh no, sit." She patted on the empty space on her bed. "I was just reading, updating my blog."

"You have a blog?" Lindsey raised his eyebrow as he and Stevie sat down.

"It wouldn't hurt to pay some attention to your daughter every once in awhile, dad." Sara pretended to be hurt. 

"You keep on offending me." Lindsey made a sad face.

"No, you're right, that was silly!"

"So, what do you post on this... blog?" Stevie asked, not really sure what it meant.


"You're such a teenager sometimes."

"Mom, I am sixteen you know. And it's things I like, TV shows, music, places... well, stuff." Sara tried to explain and turned the laptop towards her parents to show it. 

"What's that?" Lindsey asked, pointing at a picture of him and Stevie from way back.

"Buckingham Nicks, ever heard of them?"

Stevie chuckled, getting a better look. "Yeah, some say they're not bad at all."

"Agreed." Sara nodded. "Actually, this is a blog run by this girl and it's completely dedicated to you and dad and she posts these amazing pictures and everything else she finds, it's probably my favorite blog on here."

"You know that you could just ask for those things me and dad?"

"It's more fun this way." Sara closed and put her laptop away.

"Speaking of Buckingham Nicks..." Stevie began, but wasn't sure where to go with it next.

"Go on."

"What would you say if we told you, we're back together?"

"First of all, mom, do you hear yourself? You're asking me if I want my parents to be together! It's my only wish. And I know it's yours as well, you two are miserable without each other. And second of all, don't you think I know you two are back together?"

"How did you..."

"Oh, I don't know dad, maybe when you said you were going to see mom in the bathroom I thought about it, or maybe how you two have been in the same room for half an hour and both of you are still alive and well, or maybe how you've had your arm around mom's waist the whole time, or maybe when you took her out twice this week. I let you pick."

"We can't keep anything from you, can we?" Stevie smiled at Sara. 

"No, no you can't and I'm so happy for you. This. This is how it was supposed to be all along."

"I'm glad you think that, sweetheart." Lindsey added.

"Just please, I'll beg on my knees if I have to, don't screw this up."

"We'll try our best!" Stevie laughed and got a little closer to Lindsey.

"Anyway, so what are you now? Like... girlfriend boyfriend or...?"

"That sounds a bit childish, don't you think?"

"Well, if you put a ring on it mister, we'd have proper names to call you two!"

Stevie was biting her cheek hard not to start laughing, but gave in anyway. "Who's side are you on, mm?" Lindsey only tightened his grip on his giggling girlfriend, who was turning sixty five in less than two months. 

"She's right, you know." Stevie shrugged and smiled at him, hoping he would take the hint. Not now of course, they had barely been together a week. 

"When are you moving in then, dad?"

"We're going out on tour soon, but after that, I'm sure we'll get my things here."

"You better." Sara said seriously.

Lindsey shook his head. "Boy oh boy! All the fun I'm gonna have here..." 

Stevie nodded. "She might be a Buckingham, but her genes have Nicks written all over it." She and Sara both laughed and Lindsey prayed to god for some strength and patience. 

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