You're the most important person in my life

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Fleetwood Mac were back in California. Just a few days more and it will be Stevie's birthday. Mick and John joked about what to get her and they would end up with something dirty just for fun, which Lindsey didn't aprove. He himself had already thought of the present and he was more than happy with himself. He knew she was going to love it. If only the time went by quicker. 

The band was rehearsing for their show in San Jose. Stevie kept an eye on Lindsey at all times, even though he made sure he was fine, she didn't buy it, she knew him too well. It was time to play Go Your Own Way and usually, it would be their most energetic performance on any night, even while practising, they would give it their all, but Stevie couldn't believe it when Lindsey stopped playing and sat down on the floor halfway through the song. Mick stopped drumming as well as John running through the chords on his bass. 

"Linds?" Stevie kneeled down in front of Lindsey. 

"I... I'm sorry. I'll be up in a moment." 

"No, you're not going to be up in a moment, Lindsey." She said seriously. "Can any of you bring a bottle of water or something?" She said to nobody in particular. 

Mick soon returned with a bottle and handed it to Lindsey. He tried to grip the bottle, but it slipped and fell from his hand. "Alright, mate. You're going right back to the hotel and into bed."

"No, Mick. We have a show in a couple of hours!" Lindsey did his best to protest, but none of them were listening to him. 

"It's barely twelve, the show isn't until nine. If you get enough strength to perform a two hour show, then you'll come back and do it. Now though, we're getting you and Stevie a car and she's going to make sure you stay in bed for as long as you can." Mick finished and searched for people that could arrange a car as soon as possible. 

They waited no more than five minutes when Stevie and Lindsey were escorted to the awaiting car. He felt and looked a lot better by then already. Some colour was returning to his face, as he was as pale as a white sheet of paper moments ago. Stevie held his hand and was looking out the window the whole time. Lindsey felt horrible seeing her like that, he knew she was scared. But so was he.

"Steves?" No response. "Steph, baby?"

"You promised me you were ok, Lindsey. You swore to me." She faced him and he saw she had been crying. 

"And I am, I just..."

"Stop bullshitting me, yeah? You have been athletic and active your whole life, you put on the most energetic performances and for the last two or so weeks you've been fading away. You're not ok, Lindsey! You constantly have a headache, you're always exhausted, you've almost fainted, you can't hold things! How in the fucking hell is this normal?!"

He exhaled deeply and finally started talking. "I lied. I haven't been feeling well for more than two weeks, but at first I managed to hide it and now it's getting worse. I don't have an appetite, I'm feeling weak, I haven't been sweating like this in my whole life. I so much as get showered and I'm out of breath. I also..." He hated having to say it. "I've been feeling some pain in my chest area..."

"Oh my god..." She gasped and closed her eyes. "Lindsey, how could you tell me you were alright?"

"I didn't want to worry you."

"But I am worried, even more now! Linds, this is very serious. You need to see a doctor immediately."

"I have. They ran some tests, I should be getting the results in a few days."

"Oh for god's sake, Lindsey!"

"Steph, I'm sorry. I wanted to know what's wrong with me at first and then tell you. I didn't want to make it out to be a big deal if it turned out not to be anything that serious."

"At least when you find out, don't hide it from me. You're the most important person in my life, Buckingham, I can't lose you."

"You won't, don't even think like that." He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. "You're not getting rid of me that easily, Steves." She wasn't looking at him, but he knew she was smiling and so was he.


The show went well, Lindsey made it through without having any problems, which made Stevie hopeful that he was going to be fine. They didn't stay around for the interviews and Mick didn't bitch about it, knowing that it would be the best for Lindsey to fully get back on his feet. Mick and John wished Stevie and Lindsey a good night and the two were on their way back to the hotel. 

While Stevie went to wipe off her make-up and get changed, Lindsey took the time to open a bottle of wine and pour a glass for her. He got her so worked up, he was going to calm her down. She was slightly confused when she found Lindsey smirking at her, with a glass of wine in one hand and patting the empty space on the bed for her to join him. 

"What is going on here?"

"Come." She stood by her side of the bad as he took her hand in his. "You've had a long day, I thought you could have some of this to make all the nerves go away."

Stevie got into bed and pulled the bed sheet higher around herself. Lindsey offered her the wine and she took it from him, then took a sip. "I appreciate this, you shouldn't have." 

"Of course I should have. I haven't been paying as much attention to you lately as I should have and that is wrong of me."

"But now I know why that is. It's ok. Well, it's not, but it is. Ok, whatever."

Lindsey laughed at her attempt to explain what she meant. "Oh, but you're still my lady."

"Lady? Yeah right!" He was a little surprised of how quickly she finished the wine and set the empty glass on the nightstand. "I'm many things, but I doubt lady is one of them, Linds."

"You're being too hard on yourself, Steves." 

"If you say so." She sighed and lay down on the pillows, finally allowing herself to relax, only to tense up again, once she felt Lindsey's palm stroking her thigh. "Lindsey..."

"Shh, baby."

"We don't have to..." 

"But I want to." He said, sneaking his hand higher. He loved seeing her eyes closed and her chest rising and falling faster with each movement he made. He lowered his head and gently bit her neck, which sent her over the edge. "And you say we didn't have to. Wouldn't have missed this for the world." He winked and kissed her unresponsive lips.  

"I love you, Lindsey." She said after finally catching her breath.

"I love you too, baby." And he showed her just how much.

Thank you all so much who are still reading this story. BUT. The next chapter will be the last one! At least the last chapter of Escape :) Please, tell me if you want me to write a sequel. Thanks again!

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