Sounds like an emergency

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It was lunch time. The four band members and their back up singers were all enjoying a meal after hours of practice. Stevie kept looking at her watch, willing for hours to go faster. They only had about two more until everyone was allowed to go home since it was Friday and none of them wanted to work late.

Stevie wasn't feeling well emotionally. She went to see Andrew the previous night to break up with him, but they ended up having sex. She couldn't. She just couldn't make herself say those words to him, he was good for her and she knew it, hurting his feelings didn't seem right. What worried her even more was the fact she didn't want to leave his side after. She loved being with Andrew, he was the nicest, most caring man she had ever been in a relationship with and like Sara suggested, she should let him know she would like to marry him. 

But things weren't that simple. Stevie arrived quite early that morning, too early. Only Mick was there already. They talked for amoment, Mick told a few of his silly jokes that she pretended to find funny, when Lindsey entered the room. She tried to communicate with Mick, make him stay and not leave her alone with Lindsey. Apparently he didn't receive the message and was quick to get up and leave. Lindsey went to sit next to her once they were the only people in the room. He kissed her. Again. And she let it happen silently cursing herself. She wished to be able to split her heart in two.

"Hey, Lori?" Stevie called before she got to leave.

"What is it?"

"Are you doing anything tonight?" 

Lori didn't need much to know something wasn't right. She looked around and came closer to Stevie. "What's wrong?"

"I need a drink, badly."

"Sounds like an emergency."

"Well, it kind of is." Stevie nodded, the tone of her voice pleading.

 "How on earth do you still manage to get yourself in trouble?" Lori shook her head. "Let's go."

Stevie unlocked the door to her house and switched on the light. She was grateful Sara was having a sleepover at her friend's place. Not only would the two women be able to talk openly, but Stevie didn't like Sara seeing her drink, which she didn't do that often anyway. While she went to open a bottle of wine, Lori played with Sulamith waiting in the living room. 

"Here." Stevie handed her a glass of wine.

"Oh my god! Did you poor the whole bottle into one glass?!" 

"Lori, please..." She sighead heavily and took a seat on the couch. "I just want to ask you to listen to me and not judge."

"I really don't like where this is going already."

"Lori, I need you right now , I can't tell this to anyone else."

"Alright, I'm sorry. By the look on your face, it seems like whatever you're about to tell me is rather serious."

Stevie thought for a moment of a way to explaing her situation, but she didn't come up with anything good, so she decided to tell it like it is. "Lindsey is divorcing Kristen."

"The guy's been miserable for years, it's about damn time! But why are you telling me this?"

"I'm telling you this, because..." Stevie paused not really willing to explain the rest. "Right after Sara's birthday, he called and Sara picked up the phone and told him I was out on a date. After that he completely ignored me and once we started rehearsals I couldn't deal with it. So, I asked what's the problem with him. When he mentioned that I was out with someone, he said he got really jealous, but he didn't actually have a right to. What I did... I let him kiss me and I basically said I want to get back together with him."

"Stephanie Lynn Nicks!" Lori was shocked. "Have you gone completely mad?!"

"I know! I just... Lori, I can't even describe how wonderful it felt to be touched by Lindsey again and he told me he loved me, he wants to try again, but for real this time." 

"Listen to me now." Lori put the glass of wine on the table and took Stevie's hands in hers. "Lindsey is your past. I understand you will always have feelings for him, but ever since you met Andrew, you've been genuinely happy. He calls you, he visits you, he asks how are you, he's intrested in the things you do, he takes you out, he makes you feel special, didn't you tell me that yourself? And what good Lindsey has ever done to you? I know he loves you, but besides getting jealous and writing songs about your failed relationship... not much else is there." Lori knew it was hard for Stevie to understand, but she had to hear it, because nobody else dared to tell her that. "Lindsey is your perfect partner on stage, but Andrew... He's just the right man for you in every other way."

"I went to see Andrew last night, dead set on breaking up with him." 

"You have gone insane, Stevie. I'm sorry, but I can't support you in this."

"You didn't let me finish..." She hesitated before speaking up again. "I tried hard to tell how I honestly feel now that Lindsey is leaving his wife and he and I have been given another chance, but... I slept with Andrew instead." 

"Oh this is getting beyond ridiculous now!" Lori shook her head and took a long drink from her glass of wine. 

"I asked you not to judge me."

"I can't! Stevie, you've been with Andrew for quite some time and things are so good between you, but all of a sudden Lindsey comes crawling back and you're ready to throw it all away, you try to do that and you can't. You want a relationship with Lindsey while being in one with Andrew and you don't want to lose either of them. How doesn't this sound ridiculous?"

"I'm a horrible person." 

Lori put her arm around Stevie's shoulders and tried to comfort her, thinking that she might have been a little too harsh. "Stevie... I know you, I know that you always follow your heart when it comes to Lindsey, but there's a reason why you weren't able to break things off with Andrew as well. In my opinion, there is a lot for you to consider. I just want to ask you to seriously think about this. Don't run off with Buckingham just because it's him. Think about what's really good for you. And if you want my honest opinion, Andrew is the best man you have ever been involved with and you would be silly to let him go."

"Sara thinks I should marry him."

"She's a bright young girl then."

Stevie exhaled deeply and finished the last of her wine. "Thank you for trying to talk some sense into me." 

"Hopefully I could help." Lori smiled.

"I have some decisions to make."

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