Happy birthday, Stephanie

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It was May 26th and Fleetwood Mac took their final bow after the encore of their show in Las Vegas. Stevie was almost on her way out, but Lindsey took her hand and he headed back towards his microphone.

She stood by his side as he spoke to the audience. “As you may or may not know, tonight is a very special night. This remarkable, stunning woman is celebrating her birthday tonight!” Lindsey stole a glance at Stevie while the audience clapped. “I’ve loved Stephanie since I was sixteen and I was so proud to call her my girlfriend then and I’m just as proud to be able to do that today.” He put his arm around her and held tightly. “I talked to the guys of what to give you, Steph, and really, you have everything.” He shrugged. “But then I made a call to a very special lady, who kindly agreed to join us tonight. Come on out!” Lindsey asked and everyone turned to look at the side of the stage. Stevie had tears in her eyes the second Sara appeared and started singing Happy Birthday to her.

Nobody in the crowd knew that Sara Buckingham sang and did it so well. She was her mother from head to toe. The confidence oozed from the teenager, who was the spitting image of Stevie in the 70’s, just slightly taller.

Sara took a bow and waved to fifteen thousand people with a bright smile on her face. She turned to Stevie who was rather emotional. “Happy birthday, mom. You are the most wonderful, strongest, beautiful, kind, like dad said, remarkable woman in the whole world. I’m so glad I get to call you my mother, I couldn’t ask for more. I love you!” The two embraced for a long moment, then Stevie hugged John and Mick and finally Lindsey, who didn’t let go off her without a kiss.

“Thank you to everyone here tonight, thank you to my amazing band and our crew and thank you, Sara. This is the best birthday present I could ever dreamed of." You just wait, Lindsey thought to himself. "I love you all and thank you once more from the bottom of my heart!” Stevie wiped a few tears that rolled down her cheeks and the band went off.


Lindsey allowed the two other band mates as well as crew members to have half an hour with Stevie, not a second more, he said seriously and waited for everyone to wish Stevie a happy birthday, hug her or give her a present. He checked his watch and when it was just after eleven, he put his arm around her and announced they were leaving.

When they got back to the hotel, Stevie was ready to quickly change into her nightgown and get to bed for the other present Lindsey had promised her, but he shook his head and only asked her to put on something more comfortable. She assumed they were going out to have dinner and maybe then she would convince him to get into bed with her.

Lindsey knew both of them would be tired after a long show, so he made sure they would have a table for them set at the hotel restaurant. It wasn't a cheap place after all, although he knew things like that didn't matter much to Stevie. As long as they were together.

They spent the time talking about the first thing that popped to either of their mind while eating, they laughed and teased each other, he would mindlessly reach for her hand and her heart would melt every time. Neither of them said it out loud, but they both thought about just how easy things were going for them, once they started talking and listening instead of shouting. They both silently cursed themselves, because if they had come to their senses years ago, they would have been a family for so long already, maybe even Sara wouldn't be their only child.

"I forgot to thank you for the flowers in the morning." Stevie said, when only their glasses of champagne were left on the table. "I can't remember the last time someone sent me pink roses."

"You're welcome and pink roses represent everything that's good, so it wasn't a hard choice."

"But what about red ones? They're to show love and passion."

"Oh, I'll show you red roses when we're back in our room." He winked and she giggled like a schoolgirl. She couldn't believe he still made her feel like that after all these years.

"Is that a promise?"

"Absolutely." He assured and kept looking at her, while she at him. "Happy birthday, Stephanie.” He finally said and she smiled, whit a hint of sadness.

“Thanks, but what’s so good about being so old?” She asked jokingly. “Just another set of wrinkles and saggy boobs.”

“You know that is not true. You’re gorgeous and your body is lovely. Age is just a number, you’re only as old as you feel. Judging by that, you’re about twenty five at most.”

She knew she looked fantastic for sixty five, yet she also knew Lindsey would tell her anything to make her feel good. “You know you don’t have to flatter to get into bed with me.”

“It’s not all about that.”

“Oh? So you’re ok with not having sex tonight?”

“Well, I didn’t say that!” Lindsey disagreed. “So, how does it feel to be one year older? Younger! I mean younger.”

She laughed at how quickly he corrected himself. “Um… no different really. I’m still traveling around the world with the most amazing people ever, still enjoying life very much.”

“Great, I’m glad to hear you’re happy.”

“That’s got a lot to do with you, Mr.”

“Is that so?” Lindsey raised his eyebrow.

“Yeah, just… you make me feel great, loved and I feel like someone truly cares.”

“You know I do.” He assured, covering her hand with his. “You’re my whole life, Steph. I don’t know how I managed to live without you for so long. You were so right saying I blamed the band for ruining our relationship.” Stevie listened carefully to what Lindsey was saying, he turned serious. “Not being able to hold you, kiss you at any time I wished to do that, having to tell myself to stop… I hated it all so much. I also couldn’t stand the time when we were both under the influence of something terrible, it nearly killed us both, I couldn’t face the idea of losing you. When I left the band, I cursed myself every day. When I was in, I could still at least see you even though we didn’t like each other much then. The time we got to record that song for the movie was amazing. We both had changed by then so much, two completely different people. And I can’t thank you enough for giving me the best gift in my life that is Sara. Don't get me wrong, I love all my kids, but you were the one who made me a father first. You and my kids mean the world to me. I guess… gee, I’m rambling.” Lindsey stopped to catch his breath and took Stevie’s hand in his. “What I’m trying to say here is that I would love to be able to love and take care of you for the rest of my life. I want you to marry me, Stephanie Lynn Nicks.”

She certainly didn’t expect anything of the sort at that moment, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hand in shock. What surprised Stevie even more was that Lindsey took out a small box and revealed a gorgeous diamond ring sitting in it. He was planning his proposal.

Stevie had turned down so many of his proposals, she did feel guilty, but she knew none of those times were right, but now the look on Lindsey’s face, his eyes pleading her, the grasp on her hand making her sure he did want to look after her, make her feel safe. She nodded and barely audible ‘Yes’ escaped from her mouth.


“Yes, Lindsey, I’ll marry you!” This time she made sure the whole place heard her.

With a grin on his face, Lindsey slipped the ring on her finger and got up to embrace her tightly. “I love you, Steph.”

“Love you more, so much more.” She said against his lips before she captured them. 

Thank you for reading this story! You asked for a sequel, so that's what you're getting :) Many things to look forward in the next part, I hope to start writing it soon. Thanks!

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