I want to have this baby with you

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A few more days passed and the band found themselves in another hotel, this time in Connecticut. Stevie and Lindsey had become even more obvious to the people who actually knew them well, and it was not like they tried hiding anything in the first place.

The four were having lunch after finishing rehearsals and Mick never the one to keep his mouth shut brought up the subject. “Out with it.”

“Huh?” Lindsey raised his eyebrow, Stevie’s reaction was similar.

“What’s going on?”

“What are you talking about, Mick?”

“The two of you, we’re not blind and we're not stupid.” He said, having a sip of water. “I thought you said everything was over, you were done having affairs and all that.”

“That’s true.” Lindsey nodded, while Stevie was being unusually quiet. “Just that we’re not having an affair.”

“How do you mean?” Now John was interested as well. “Openly kissing Stevie, while you’re married to Kristen is ok?”

“No, but what you don’t know is that Kristen and I are over.”

“Excuse me?”

“We have both signed the divorce papers already.” Lindsey explained simply. “And I’m not getting into any detail, it’s just what needed to happen. I don’t love her and I can’t live like that anymore.”

“So, you just reckoned good ‘ol Stevie will welcome you back and you upped and left your wife?” Mick was going to get more detail.

“I’m sitting right here.” Stevie said. “I’d appreciate if you had more respect for me.”

“I didn’t mean to disrespect you, but just… I don’t think this is a good thing.”

“Why thank you for the support, Mick!” Lindsey was getting angry.

“I don’t want you to hurt Stevie again. There’s always that possibility Kristen will call you and announce she’s having another kid of yours.”

Lindsey’s eyes immediately cast on Stevie, who left her plate of food and exited the room right away. “That was a low blow, Fleetwood.” He gave the drummer a death stare and ran after Stevie.

Lindsey saw Stevie furiously walking down the long hallway to wherever her destination was. “Steph, wait!” She kept on walking. “Angel, please stop!” No reaction. “Stephanie!”

“Don’t call me that!” She finally stopped dead in her tracks. “My god…” She shook her head and began to walk again only Lindsey got a grip on her arm. She of course tried to escape, but he was way stronger than her and made her stay.

It broke his heart to see tears welling in her eyes. “Steph…” He repeated and she didn’t yell at him. “I’m so sorry.”

“You’ve got nothing to be sorry about. Now that I think, Mick might as well be right. Who knows, when it comes to you and getting other women pregnant.”

“Don’t say that…” Lindsey tucked a hair strand behind her ear. “Angel, I’ve been nothing but honest with you. There’s no chance of that kind of call from Kristen, believe me.”

Stevie sighed, stepping into his open arms. “I can’t lose you this time, Lindsey. I can’t. I will die from heartbreak. I love you so much and if you get my hopes up high and shatter them, I swear… I won’t make it through this time.”

“Don’t even go there.” He soothed, stroking her hair softly. “I didn’t just tell you I’d divorce my wife, I’m actually doing it and isn’t that enough of a proof I’m serious?”

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