If he were here now

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It had been almost two hours since the rehearsal was supposed to start. John, Mick and Lindsey were there, but their female member of the band was nowhere to be seen. Mick was pacing around annoyed. Stevie was usually late, but not for so long. Maybe something happened? No, he thought, we would have been informed. Sure Lindsey would know what's up.

Lindsey was mindlessly strumming the strings of his guitar. If he were honest, he was glad Stevie wasn't present. After everything she told him the night before, he couldn't bare the thought of looking at her face. He always felt strongly about her, but this time it wasn't love, he was disappointed and hurt. Yes, Stevie was right on some levels, but he had just decided to leave his wife and she expected him to call the lawyers the same day? He thought he'd wait and think over everything one more time, before making such serious decision. Lindsey thought Stevie would understand, but she wouldn't even listen. 

"Hey, Lindsey?" He heard his name being called and turned to see Mick. 


"Do you know where Ms Nicks is? She was supposed to be here hours ago!"

"No, Mick. No idea. What makes you think I should know about everything she does or doesn't?"

"Gee, I just asked a simple question." Mick rolled his eyes at him and left to make a call.

Stevie was lying in bed, she wasn't asleep, but every time the phone on her bedside nightstand rang, each of those times she ignored it. She stared at the ceiling with a blank expression on her face, her hands laced together on her stomach. She screwed up. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

She tried to understand her actions, but failed. Why would she say such horrible things to the man she loved more than life itself?  Lindsey had done nothing wrong, he loved her and he asked her to believe and trust him, both of which she couldn't do. But he had to understand her as well, she thought, he had told her so many times it was over between Kristen and him and still he would go back and leave Stevie alone and heartbroken. 

She sighed heavily as the phone rang again, she picked it up this time. 'Yeah?'

'You don't get to be crabby, Nicks.'

'What do you want, Mick?'

'What do you even mean by that? Stevie, it's almost 12 and you had to be here at 10!'



'Don't yell at me.'

'Are you going to show up or are we waiting for no reason?'

'Is everyone there yet?'

'What do you think? Me, John, Lindsey, we're all here.'

'Then I'm not coming.'

'Excuse me?' 

'I don't want to see him.'

'I should have known it was something like this... Stevie, get over yourself, geez! Thousands of fans have paid hundreds to see us perform and you refuse to come to rehearsals because of some dispute with your ex boyfriend that you left decades ago!'

'I'm hanging up, Mick. And I'm not coming.'

That's exactly what she did. Stevie put down the phone, pulled the sheets up and cried herself to sleep. 


"I'm so glad you're here." Sara said, pooring water in a cup. "Mom is scaring me, I came home from school and found her in her bedroom. She hasn't eaten anything today, she either sleeps or cries."

"Did something happen?" Andrew asked, stirring the sugar in his coffee.

"I guess. Dad was here last night and I heard them fighting, but I'm not sure what about."

"That explains it." Andrew got off the kitchen stool. "You know, I'll go see her now."

"Please." Was all that Sara said, a frightened look on her face. 

Andrew was thinking of a way how to begin talking while walking up the stairs. By what Sara told him, Stevie was a complete mess, but what could have possibly had happened? He stopped by her door and knocked gently. "Sweetheart?"

"Andrew...?" Came the week response from the other side of the door. 

"May I come in?"

"Yes, yes come in." She said and he walked in. 

It was after 7pm and Stevie was still in her nightgown from the previous night most likely, he thought. He took in her appearance and sat down on the empty side of the bed. She reached for his hand. "I'm so happy you're here."

"Really? You don't seem happy in any way at the moment." She looked away, but he grasped her chin gently and turned her to look at him again. "Hey now... I didn't mean to upset you, at least no more than you are."

"I kissed Lindsey. More than once." Andrew withdrew instantly. Did he hear it correctly? "He's leaving his wife and... We kissed and we held each other."

He swallowed the lump in his throat. "Did you... did you sleep together?"

"No. I didn't want to, but I enjoyed the physical contact we had, I can't lie."

"I don't know what to say..."

"If you want to leave, I understand."

"No, Steph... I... I love you. I'm in love with you, I just..." 

"You're in love with me?" She gasped, her eyes welling up with tears. 

"Yes, I didn't know if I should tell you, I thought it might be a bit soon, but Steph, I've fallen hard for you. I couldn't stand seeing you go now. You're the most amazing woman I have ever met in my entire life. But... if you go around, kissing the father of your child..."

"No. No, Andrew! I was weak, I didn't know what I was doing."

"Answer me honestly." She nodded and let him continue. "If he were here now and asked you to be with him, would you? Would you leave me?"



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